~part I., chapter 12.~

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But for the next couple days nothing changed and Steve wondered if he should bring something up, because that would mean risking revealing his identity to Eddie.

"Steve?" Robin waved her hand in front of Steve's face while snaping her fingers.

"Hm?" Steve looked up at his friend.

"Seriously, what is up with you?" Robin rolled her eyes.

"Finals stress," Steve shrugged, Robin let out a sigh.

"Now for real, what is it?" Robin asked, giving Steve a glare.

"The Venom thing, it's really bothering me," Steve whispered, it was partly true, it was one of the things bothering Steve.

"Oh," was all Robin had to say before she went quiet, seemed like a good enough reason.

"Hey there, you two," Eddie said as he and Chrissy aproached the other two.

"Heya, you two," Robin gave them a smile. Steve just gave them a weak wave.

"Wow, you look like you haven't slept in days," Chrissy stated, looking at Steve with worry.

"Yeah, I've been studying too hard that I forgot what sleep was," Steve said, trying to cover up for his weak excuse by laughing.

"Seriously, you don't look too good, Harrington," Eddie stated, sitting next to Robin.

"Like you look any better," Steve scoffed. It was true, Eddie also looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"I found a cool show, so I watch it at night when I have time. I also draw," Eddie shrugged.

"There's two types of people," Chrissy said while rolling her eyes.

"Three, some of us value sleep more than grades or shows," Robin said, eyeing the others.

"I remember when your parents complained all the time about your sewing machine going off during the night," Chrissy said, giving Robin a smirk.

"That was when I got it and I was addicted, I don't do that anymore," Robin shrugged.

And Robin's phone went off and she went to check it.

"Our favorite Dark Knight," Robin deadpanned, looking at the others.

"I'm going home, forgot my physics book. See ya guys later," Steve said, waving the others as he got up.

And life went on, even after the finals. Even after the summer break, and it came the new school year. Third year for Robin, Steve and Eddie, second year for Chrissy, Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Byers. And with new school year came one year Spider-man aniversary, the news made a big deal out of it, even trying to get Spider-man to come to an interview, but he declined.

Five moths after Spider-man's aniversary, February, Steve had given sheriff Hopper his definite decision about Venom and the host whom they had still no idea who was. Steve wasn't happy about his decision, but it needed to be done.

"Hey, Spidey you done with cheif?" Robin's voice was heard through the earbud.

"Yep, I'm heading back," Steve replied.

"Then don't, there's a robbery report on sixth street, Avenue road jewelery," Robin reported.

"Key, be right there," Steve said, changing his course.

"Yep, you go on. I promised my dad a dinner and I'll head right home afterwards, so talk to you later, bye," and with that Robin disconected.

"So, it's up to me again," Steve sighed.

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