~bonus episode: 011~

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-2nd September 2018-

"Don't worry, Eleven, it's just another test. Now, Papa needs you to try this, okay?" Papa said, I nodded, I need to make Papa proud.

"Okay, we're ready," someone said, Papa took a hold of my hand and lead me over to a room, everyone was staring at me. Papa sat me down on a chair, gave me a small smile, someone put some diodas on my head from behind.

"Hey, boss.. There's an issue," some other doctor said, then whispered something to Papa, he got mad. I thought I did something wrong.

"Then make sure to find him, he couldn't have gotten far yet," Papa yelled in anger, I couldn't help but shake, I tried to stop, but I couldn't. Papa looked at me. "It's okay, Eleven, I'm not mad at you," he gave me a smile. "Papa needs to deal with something, wait here," he said with a smile.

Papa and most of the other people around left, I heard alarm, there were just two people in the room with me, they didn't care I was sitting there, scared. One word echoed through my head: RUN!

I got up, throwing the diodas off, the two men still didn't care about me, I saw a window on the other side of the room, I ran to it. Now one of them noticed me and yelled: "Hey!" I didn't look back and with my mind I broke the window and jumped down, we weren't in the up floors, so I didn't get hurt. I kept on running and running, I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care.

I remember I saw some car with lights on top, it almost hit me, a man got out of the car and started talking to me, everything is kind of a blur after that. He asked where I came from and I tried to explain it was the lab, he showed me a picture of Papa later and asked if I know him.

Papa went to jail the next day, the man that found me let me live at his house, his name is Jim Hopper and he's a sheriff, whatever that means. I know what it means now, I didn't then.

Jim Hopper said we need to find the other 'experiments' that left, I could feel them in my mind. He gave me some clothes and his jacket and I led him to where I felt the presence of one, it was a spider. As Jim Hopper picked it up, I felt something else nearby, there was a boy walking on the other side of the street, Jim Hopper looked at me, asking what was wrong, I said nothing because the boy and his friend, I later found out was named Robin Buckley, already left.


I was trying to find the other escaped 'experiment', but I couldn't feel him. I was never allowed around Venom, now I know it was because he was deadly for me, I didn't know back then. Jim Hopper was working on finding information about everything from the Hawkins Lab, that's where I was kept for the eleven years of my life.

At one point, he took me to a woman called Terry Ives, he said she's my mom, but Papa did something bad to her, so she couldn't hear me now. I found out my name was supposed to be Jane Ives, some new doctor from the Hawkins Lab gave Jim Hopper a paper saying he was my dad and my name was to be Jane Hopper, but for safety I wasn't allowed out of the house for another year.


I was allowed to start school this year. I found a new friend, his name is Mike Wheeler and he was very nice to me since I was new in school, he introduced me to his other friends: Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson and Will Byers, he said me and Will act alike, so we surely will get along. I was just happy to have friends and fit in, I was scared everyone will know who I am.

Jim Hopper also took me to meet Spider-man, and his sidekick, as he called her, Robin. I tried helping as much as I could, but it didn't work much. 


I was going to school and I was a normal girl without having a Lab experiment past, at least everyone thought. I was still helping Spider-man though. I was starting highschool this September, we were going to be in class with Will. Max and Lucas were also toghether, and Mike with Dustin, I thought it was good that we weren't going to be alone. Me and Will were going to study art, Lucas and Max sports, Dustin and Mike medicine, but Mike also wanted to go to art with us, his parents said no, though.

Jim Hopper also took me and Robin to see Papa and try to get information from him, but he said nothing important. Then came the 20th June, the big, big tragedy and Spider-man died. Robin then didn't talk to me or Jim Hopper for a lot of months.

Jim Hopper was taking me to Papa more often during summer holiday, to find out more. I found out 008 was dead and 001 was dangerous, he was also the one to turn on the alarm the night I escaped, but I was sure he wasn't there when I was there, but Papa said something different.

Jim Hopper also found a girlfriend, and it was Will's mom. Then we found a new spider, it bit Will in October, so I took it to Dr. Owens, well Jim Hopper who I started calling dad a while back took it to Dr. Owens.


I regret eveything I did this year. I was having fun, but I was forcing Will to be a superhero, even though he didn't want to. We had a lot of fun, also Mike and Will started dating and summer was cool, but then in September everything went downhill.

And it's been going lower and lower ever since. Will stopped being a superhero and I became one instead. Mike found out, he's just way too smart, it's annoying sometimes.


I thought I got it handeled, I really did, but I had nothing under control. Will stopped talking to me and later I found out he had a while back overheard Jim Hopper saying he's only dating his mom because he thought Jonathan, Will's brother, was 001. I knew he wasn't, but Jim Hopper never asked me.

I almost lost, I really had no hope, during October 001 I was warned about planned to take over the world, and he almost did, but then Will showed up and shocked everyone. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone, nobody expected anything of what happened ...


"I thought you were dead..."

"That's what I wanted everyone to think."

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