~part I., chapter 18.~

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Steve woke up to the sound of his alarm, it was saturday, but he still needed to be up early because of his hero work. Steve really didn't think it through last night, he should have gone to sleep early, but instead... Images of last night flashed before Steve's eyes. It seemed that just now Steve was fully aware of the pair of arms wrapped around him. He turned around to see Eddie still asleep, Steve smiled to himself, reaching over to Eddie's hair, it was as soft as it looked.

"Eds, I gotta go or Robin's gonna kill me, 'key?" Steve whispered.

"Don't leave," Eddie mummbled, still half asleep.

"I have to, we can hang out when I'm done," Steve said, but made no effort to shake the other off of him.

"One more thing," Eddie said, looking over at Steve like a lost puppy.

"Yeah?" Steve asked, Eddie looked away from Steve's face before speaking.

"I would understand if you don't want to hang with me or to do anything with me anymore or-"

"Where did you get that?" Steve interupted, Eddie looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asked.

"Where did you get that I won't wanna hang out with you?" Steve looked confused.

"It's always like that, I find someone I like, we become friends, I fall in love, we kiss, we hook up, he says it's a mistake and never talks to me again and I cry about it for days, promising Chriss I will never crush on anyone again, then the cycle repeats," Eddie explains, avoiding Steve's gaze again.

"Well, I'm not like that. And I really like you too, so," Steve replied with a shrug.

"So, would it be okay if I asked you to be my boyfriend?" Eddie asked carefully.

"If you didn't, I'd do it," Steve smiled, "So it's settled, we're officially boyfriends now."

Eddie smiled, going for a kiss that lasted just a little longer than it should have and Robin was already blowing up Steve's phone.

And for the next couple days, everything went great, except for the villain stuff, but Steve was already used to that. Days turned to months, months turned to years. It's been officially three years since Spider-man showed up, three years and eight months.

It was the middle of May when things started to go downhill. Venom disappeared for a couple weeks, Robin assumed that the host wasn't fully compatible and just died slower. Steve and Eddie had a fight about something that started as a silly, little argument, but blew out too fast for Steve to register what happened and Eddie refused to talk to Steve now, or basically anyone, according to Robin, he would stay out late and when he was in their apartment, he'd just lock himself in his room, not speaking to her or Chrissy.

"I mean, I just don't get it. Will this ever end? Like, he always comes back like the little bitch he is and it goes on and on and on," Steve whined, the topic was Dark Knight. Steve and Robin were sitting in their base, Steve in his costume as usual.

"I'm more worried about Venom, we didn't see it for a couple weeks and it's freaking me out," Robin admitted. And as if she'd just called it, someone knocked on the door. Steve pulled his mask on as Robin got up to answer the door.

It was Eleven, her hair now reaching above her shoulders, she was wearing a colorful denim dress with a stripped colorful turtleneck beneath. A friendly smile plastered on her face.

"What a surprise, you look amazing," Robin gave her a smile.

"I actually came here because of the lab," Eleven's smile faded and Robin let her in.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now