~part III., chapter 4.~

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El was walking home from school, she was almost home when the weird Venom headache caught her again. She shortened her distance from home and quickly threw her suit on and left towards where she felt Venom, she was not going to let him escape this time. And there he was, destroying everything. El shot her webs onto him, but Venom couldn't be bothered as he decided to break a car in half, trapping the driver in the air between his hands. El tried focusing her eyes on hurting the host, knowing where probably would they be, it seemed to work as Venom let go of the car and made his escape.

"No, you're not!" El yelled behind him, but Venom took the highest speed and soon was out of El's reach. The disappearance of her headache told El that he turned off, either forcefully by the host or on his own.

In the following two months Venom only showed up twice, a few days after the first time and then about a week later and then was gone again. El looked through all the deaths that happened after the last Venom's show up, but none of them was compatible. El was frustrated by that, and also by Will still not talking to her or anyone, though he started leaving the house every once in a while without telling anyone where he was going, but still spent most of his time in his room, not talking to anyone. The second year anniversary of Spider-man's death passed, El couldn't believe it was two years already, meaning it's been six years since the Hawkins Lab was closed, since she escaped. She was turning seventeen in November, but still she felt like that eleven year old kid running through the streets of Hawkins having no idea where she was going.

"Hey, you okay?" Mike's hand flew in front of El's face, she shot her head his way. "Jane, you're crying. You okay?"

"Oh, yeah no. I'm fine, just nostalgia caught up," El said with a smile, wiping her tears. When did she start crying? They were watching the statue the city built for Spider-man's anniversary.

"Are you sure? You didn't know him that well, did you?" Mike asked, his tone giving his words a hidden meaning.

"Mike, what do you know?" El gave him a questioning look. Mike put his hands up in surrender.

"Nothing, what should I know? Is there something to know?" he asked, his tone indicating he already knew.

"Say it and I'll answer honestly," El sighed, Mike's face lit up and his hands fell back down.

"You're Spider-El, and Eleven," Mike said with his typical 'smartass' smile. El rolled her eyes, rolling up her left sleeve to reveal a bandaid she wore a bit too often.

"Go on, peel it off," El said, gesturing at the band aid, Mike peeled off one side carefully, looking at El's skin to see the tattoo saying: '011'.

"Ha, I knew it!" Mike yelled out in victory while El put the band aid back over it.

"For a long, long time," El stated, looking over at Spider-man's statue again.

"You could have told me the first time I asked," Mike mummbled, El gave him a glare, but shrugged it off anyways.

"Now you see I hadn't have it always easy. And also I was crying because of all the people that died my fault," El sighed sadly.

"You're not gonna turn emo now, are you?" Mike asked with worry.

"No, I've been through way worse shit at a young age. The funny thing is, Will knew he couldn't do it, I forced him to. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be emo now," El said with a sigh.

"That was just mean," Mike protested.

"I know, sorry. But it's true, mean but true," El shrugged with a small smile.

"Do you know their names? The people who died because of you?" Mike asked.

"All the mutants, Venom's victims, everyone Robin had, Steve and Jonathan. And all those who are yet to die, and trust me, there still will be," El sighed, still looking over at the statue.

"I think it's unfair Steve's the only one who gets a statue," Mike mummbled, following El's eyes.

"It is, and even more unfair they portray Spider-man as the Hawkins best hero and 'the best thing that could have happened to Hawkins', while they portray Spider-boy as the villain, a careless kid and 'the worst thing that could have happened to Hawkins' while they both did just about the same. I mean if it wasn't for Will, way more people would have died," El sighed.

"And you're popular just because you're a girl," Mike said with a smile, El gave him a glare.

"I know, but I like to think it's because since Spider-boy is gone I'm the new hope, but I know it's just because horny men and girls looking for a power model," El sighed.

"For me you're just trying your best, like the other two," Mike gave her a smile.

"Thanks Mike, really needed to hear that," El smiled back at him.

"So, Robin's helping you out, huh?" Mike asked, El shook her head.

"Mostly Dustin, but he doesn't know Spider-El and Jane Hopper are the same person. How did you find out anyways?" El asked with interest, she really wanted to know what gave her off.

"Well, apart from your voice, which is also how I figured out Will-" Mike started.

"But you knew I was Eleven way before," Jane protested.

"Fine, it was on that note Will found in Steve's bedroom," Mike rolled his eyes, El's face turned into utter confusion.

"When was Will ever in Steve's room?" El asked, Mike looked at her in confusion.

"He didn't tell you?" Mike asked, El shook her head. "Well, he had this whole research on the Hawkins lab.. he really didn't tell you anything?"

"So, Will knows too?" El asked, Mike shook his head.

"I don't think he does, he knows you're hiding something, but it was ciphered in that weird note.." Mike mummbled.

"Who was the letter from? And was it for Will or Steve? Since it was in Steve's room," El asked.

"I dunno, I think he's keeping more secrets from us, though," Mike muttered.

"I guess we need to pay him a visit, like right now," El said, grabbing Mike's hand as she started running towards the Byers' residence.

The door was locked and it seemed nobody was inside, El had a spare key, so they let themselves in. Mike felt bad about breaking into their house, but El calmed him down, saying it's not a break-in since they have a key.

"Joyce is still at work, since Jonathan she's working double shifts," El explained, turning on the hallway light.

"And Will? I though he doesn't leave his room," Mike asked, El shrugged.

"Sometimes he goes out, never told anyone where and why," El explained, walking into Will's room. It was a mess. "Where's the letter?" El asked, Mike walked over to Will's closet while El flicked the light on.

"I still think this is invading privacy," Mike protested, resting his hands on Will's closet handles.

"But you do realize the key to everything can be somewhere there, right?" El said, gesturing for Mike to continue.

"You knew he wasn't gonna be here, didn't you?" Mike asked in suspicion.

"No, I never know when he's home and when not, move it," El said impatiently, Mike opened the closet and his jaw dropped.

Will wasn't home, he took yet another walk inside the facility. More people were adding up everyday into the tanks, Will was just waiting for that day he walks in to see his friends there. That day hadn't come so far, the notebook was long gone, whoever build this probably didn't feel safe leaving it here. Will looked over at the speciment titeled 'Vecna', the loading beneath was on 81%, whatever this was going to do was going to do it soon.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now