~part II., chapter 8.~

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"So, today's topic is 'power', what is the definition of power? Does anyone know?" Mr. Creel asked, sitting down. One of Jane's and Will's classmates raised her hand. "Yes, Angela," Mr. Creel called on the girl.

"It's what you have and we don't in this class," the girl replied with a smile.

"As a joke, good, but no. Anyone else?" Mr. Creel gave her a glare. Will unsurely raised his hand. "Yes, Byers?"

"It depends on what kind we're talking about, power can either be supply with mechanical or electrical energy, or you could mean the ability to direct or influence the behaviour of others or events," Will said quietly.

"Both definitions are correct, but I had in mind a different type of power. We're gonna be talking about power in the meaning of strenght. More specifically this spider-bullshit, excuse me for the word," Mr. Creel said, Jane and Will shared an unsure look. Angela raised her hand again.

"But sir, Spider-boy is hot, and Spider-man was too before he died," she said.

"I never gave you permission to speak, also they're not. The whole thing with their superpowers was just a leak of chemicals, at least for Spider-man, no idea what happened to this Spider-boy," Mr. Creel explained with his usual cold stare. Then he looked over at Jane, so did the class, the two seemed to have a weird staring contest like the first time Mr. Creel walked into the class at the start of the school year. Jane raised her hand. "Yes, Jane?" Mr. Creel said, they never broke eye contact.

"Why do you want to discuss those people specifically?" Jane asked.

"I don't just want to discuss the two, but I'm starting with them, unless you know about someone stronger than Spider-man?" Mr. Creel raised his eyebrow.

"The Venom thing everyone talked about ten months ago, seems stronger," Jane said casually.

"But, that is not a person, is it, miss Hopper?" Mr. Creel asked.

"I don't know, I've never been a sciencist in that lab," Jane said, still calmly.

"Alright, neither did I and I know Venom is also just an escaped chemical. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to continue with the lesson," Mr. Creel said.

"You could have, I just had questions," Jane said, Mr. Creel broke the eye contact and began ignoring Jane.

"Miss Hopper was correct, Venom is the strongest entity, but Spider-man, Steven Harrington and Spider-boy, whoever that loser is are the strongest humans, most powerfull. Now why would that be? Ah, yes. Thanks to Dr. Brenner and his experiments that escaped from the lab they were supposed to stay in," Mr. Creel began explaining, a classmate's hand shot up. "Yes?" Mr. Creel called on said student.

"What about the escaped kids, one, eight and eleven?" he asked, Mr. Creel and Jane shot a look at each other than at the student who asked.

"Yes, they are powerfull, more powerfull than those Spider-people, but not more than Venom. Venom is the most powerfull entity that is so far known to humanity and there is no one who can stop it," Mr. Creel explained, Jane and Will shared a look, Jane looked more scared than Will felt at that moment. Will's hand shot up. "Yes, Mr. Byers?"

"Are you sure there's no way to stop Venom?" Will asked, his voice slightly shaking.

"Ah, yes, it's going to be a sensitive topic for you since it almost killed your brother, but when even Spider-man died fighting Venom, there's no much hope left," Mr. Creel said calmly. Someone else raised their hand.

"But what about one, eight and eleven, if they fight Venom together?" the student asked.

"No, they tried fighting it with five kids at the lab, I know from personal sources," Mr. Creel said and the class went quiet.

Five hours later, Jane and Will walked from their last class of the day, both forgetting about the fiasco at their first peroid. Will let out a sigh, feeling exhausted from math class, Jane was good at maths unlike Will, basically like most classes they had.

"Will, Jane. Sorry I didn't catch you earlier. Happy birthday, Will, I know you hate formalities, so I'll leave it at that. Do you guys wanna hang out?" Mike was suddenly between the two, each arm over one of their shoulders.

"Where did you come from?" Jane asked with a confused smile and furrowed brows.

"I had just spawned out of thin air," Mike shrugged with a smile.

"Like the NPC you are," Will rolled his eyes.

"Ow, what flew over your head?" Mike turned to Will with a questioning look.

"We just left math class," Jane explained, Mike nodded in understanding.

"You're lucky you don't have physics and chemistry, and biology or anything that we do 'cause that shit is hard as fuck, I'd pay anything to have just maths," Mike whined.

"Thanks," Will smiled.

"For what?" Mike asked, confused.

"For reminding me that my life doesn't suck as much," Will laughed, Jane joined him.

"Ow, touché," Mike said with a dramatic gasp.

"You're a clown, Mike Wheeler," Will rolled his eyes.

"And you complain too much while your life is easier, Will Byers," Mike shot back, Jane and Will shared a look saying 'If only you knew.'

"You can be glad you're not Spider-boy, or are you?" Jane asked jokingly.

"I wish, at least something interesting would happen in my life," Mike let out, Will felt bad. The bridge the weird spider bit him on was a regular way Mike would bike to school on.

"Or dangerous, I mean how much free time this guy has, really?" Will said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I would even skip class if I was him," Mike continued. At this point they reached the lockers and each left to their own, but their lockers were pretty close together.

"Sure you would," Jane rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, do you guys wanna hang out now?" Mike asked, already standing right at Will's locker, ready to go while Will was still tying his shoes.

"I'd love to, but I have to see a doctor with my dad, maybe tommorow," Jane said with apologetic smile.

"Valid excuse, enjoy your appointment or whatever you're going there for," Mike said, giving her a smile. "What about you, Byers?" Mike turned to Will who already got ready.

"I promised Jonathan I'd hang out with him since he's got a day off," Will said, feeling bad yet again that day as Mike's smile faded. Then an idea sparked in Will's mind, "But I think he wouldn't mind if you come with us."

"Really?" Mike's eyes lit up again.

"Bye puppy," Jane ruffled Mike's hair with a laugh, "bye Will," Jane waved at Will.

"Bye Jane," Will waved back at her while Mike gave her a glare before waving back.

Will and Mike walked from the school together, Will carrying the giant box from Jane.

"Where'd you get that?" Mike asked, reffering to the big box.

"It's from Jane, I said no presents, but she hates me apparently. I had to carry it from the bus, you know how embarrasing it is?" Will explained.

"Yeah, I can imagine, I actually got you something too, but that's a surprise for later," Mike smiled, Will rolled his eyes.

"So, as I see it, only Lucas actually respects my wishes for my birthday," Will let out, Mike chuckled.

"Come on, it's your birthday, it's only once a year. Let others give you presents," Mike said with a smile.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz