~part I., chapter 4.~

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It took two more days of preparation until project Spider-man was ready for mission number one, also the 'test that may end up very bad and you might die or end up being a hero as planned' according to Robin. The two talked through special earbuds Robin managed to get from a friend.

"Still hear me?" Robin asked over the walkie talkie earbud.

"Just like ten seconds ago, yes I hear you," Steve sighed, he was swinging over the spider webs to get to the currently robbed bank, reported to have around twenty people hostage.

"I see the bank. How do I get in unnoticed?" Steve asked, Robin looked over at the footage displayed on her laptop screen.

"Roof window, but be careful since two of them are right below, but they don't look up," Robin said in thought, scanning more camera angles.

"Got it, and already have a plan to get them down," Steve smirked opening the roof window and sliding down on his webs. He quickly let go and shot two webs at the bad guys' guns, shooting them up and tying the two robbers together.

"Very discreet, Harrington. There's other three somewhere in that bank," Robin let out annoyed.

"Got it handled," Steve smiled, looking over the hostages. "Get outta here, so the S.W.A.T. team can get in," Steve turned to the civilians, they all started running towards the exit, all except for a little boy, Steve knew him, it was his ex's little brother Mike. "Go to your mommy and daddy," Steve told him.

"Don't talk to me like I'm four, I'm already twelve," the boy replied, he wasn't scared. So what was holding him there?

"Mike?" the boy's mom yelled from the door, running towards him and basically carrying him outside.

The police patrol and S.W.A.T. team barged in and went to investigate. One of the officer stopped in front of Steve, looking him up and down.

"And who are you supposed to be?" he asked in suspicion.

"I'm the good guy, the name's Spider-man," Steve bowed, Robin facepalmed herself, just watching the interaction made her cringe.

"Alright, Spider-man, you helped now get out of our way," the man said and continued walking towards the safe area.

"One's in the underground, setting bombs!" Robin yelled in realization in between swapping cameras.

"On it," Steve mummbled a reply and started running towards where the underground entrance was, some of the S.W.A.T. guys looking after him.

"Hey!" Steve yelled at the guy, he turned to him, fear written over his face. He quickly turned back to start the bomb.

"No, you're not," Steve said, but it was already too late, the timer was going as Steve captured the last robber. "Turn it off!"

"Impossible, they're made to blow up at all cost," the guy grinned, a police officer walked in seeing the scene ahead of him.

"Tell him to call the pyro technicians!" Robin yelled out in panic, looking up 'how to destroy a bomb' in another tab.

"Call pyro technician or something, don't just stand there," Steve told the officer, while making sure the bomb guy won't do anyhing as he opened the bomb cover. "There's no blue, red wires," Steve whispered to Robin.

"Then what is there?" Robin asked, looking at the google images.

"Yellow and green wires," Steve let out a sigh of defeat.

"Fuck it, cut them both! You have ten seconds," Robin said in the moment of panic.

"One has a plus," Steve said quickly.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now