~part II., chapter 16.~

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But instead of Will's life getting easier, it got harder and harder since mutants kept on appearing more and more often, sometimes stronger. Sheriff Hopper made the decision of trying to get them alive, but there was never other way than to kill the mutants, there was no way to get them alive.

"You look terrible," Lucas commented as Will walked behind the group like a zombie.

"I played Among Us all night," Will said with a yawn.

"Bull, you never play alone," Mike said, getting a glare from Will in response.

"Maybe he didn't play alone, maybe he found a new mate," Max shrugged with a smirk towards Mike who gasped in his dramatic way.

"How dare you cheat on me, William?" Mike let out, Will covered his ear.

"Too loud," Will whined, Mike immidietly felt bad.

"Sorry, didn't realize. Are you okay?" Mike quickly asked, checking up on Will. Max rolled her eyes.

"I'm back. One iced caremel latte," Jane said as she approached the group, holding several cups of coffee, Max took the one Jane just adressed, "one 'dark and bitter as my soul' cappuccino with extra cream," Jane continued, Lucas took the one with glare at Jane while Max laughed, "one ice tea," Jane said with a smile, Dustin took the one with a smile back, "one lactose free cappuccino and one lactose free caramel latte," Jane finished, handing the last two drinks to Mike and Will. "And a boba for me," she giggled devilishly.

"Since when do you drink lactose free drinks?" Max raised a brow at Mike.

"Since deez nuts," Mike replied, making Will let out a chuckle.

"Those jokes are old, man," Lucas said as the reasonable person he was.

"Your mom is old," Mike shot back as the reasonable person he wasn't.

The six of them continued in walking and talking while drinking their coffees. It was one of those lazy afternoons when they all just so happened to end early in school, until it wasn't. Sirens were heard suddenly and a building few block away began to colapse.

"Seriously? There used to be peace," Max let out in annoyance. Jane and Will looked at each other, Mike looked over at them as well.

"Hey Will, doesn't your mom work in that area?" Mike nudged Will, he looked over at Mike then back at Jane.

"Shit, you're right. She does, I have to go!" Will said, handing the rest of his coffee to Jane before running towards the source of noice without saying goodbye. Jane looked over at Mike in suspicion.

Will stopped at a neaby public toilets to change and soon he was on the scene, trying to fight off the turtle looking mutant. Will wished the creature looked more like the teenage mutant ninja turtles, but this looked nothing like them and the harder it was to fight off and at the end, the police had to take a shot again, ending the mutant's life.

"We need to figure out who does this," Hopper stated as he stood over the dead body.

"If I may have a suggestion, try the Hawkins lab employees from Brenner's time," Spider-boy said.

"We tried that already, no one knows," Hopper replied.

"My next tip would be one or eight, but who knows where they are," Spider-boy shrugged. "Anyways, gotta go. See you around," he said, saluting to the officers before swinging away, this time watching out for Jonathan Byers.

Will landed in a side alley, ready to walk back to the public toilets to get his things, but something made him turn around.

"Spider-boy!" the familiar voice called, Will turned around to see none other than Mike Wheeler sprinting towards him.

"Do you have any idea how dange-" Will was cut off by Mike kissing him, over the mask. It was a short peck and they stopped, standing for a while until Mike reached over to try and take Will's mask off, Will did it for him. They continued the staring, until Mike kissed Will again, this time Will kissed back even though he never kissed anyone before and had no idea what to do. Anyone could see them, but Will didn't really care at this moment. They pulled apart and Will realized his arms were around Mike's waist while Mike's were around his neck.

"I knew it was you," Mike let out.

"How? Since when?" Will let out in confusion.

"Since the start, I think. I knew for a while now, it was pretty obvious," Mike shrugged. They could hear footsteps and quickly separated, Will put on his mask.

"Call me later," Will quickly said and with that, he was gone.

Will stopped by the public toilets, changing back to his regular clothes and leaving towards the scene, seeing nothing but chaos. Hopper was a few meters away talking to Mike who noticed him, Will waved at the two, Hopper also turned around seeing Will waving at them and told Mike something, Mike gave Hopper a smile and ran off towards Will, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, you just saved me," Mike let out, Will just rolled his eyes as they began walking away from the scene. "How did you do that?" Mike asked in confusion.

"Did what?" Will asked, not getting what Mike was reffering to.

"Like you were there and now you look like you never got into a fight," Mike said, still confused.

"The same way Steve did," Will shrugged.

"No, seriously, how?" Mike asked with interest, Will let out a chuckle.

"You won't leave it, will you?" Will asked, looking at Mike as they walked, Mike shrugged with a smile. "Fine, I have this thing called the spidey-sense and web shooters," Will explained.

"But that doesn't explain that thing beat the shit out of you and you're fine," Mike continued.

"Super regeneration, it gets annoying sometimes," Will said with a shrug.

"How could that get annoying?" Mike asked, seeing no downturns to the power.

"Imagine, you're helping your mom cut carrots and you nearly chop off your finger, she starts freaking out and saying you need to go to the hospital, but before you even get to the car, you're fine. Now explain that to her without raising suspicion," Will elaborated.

"Oh, that sucks. Who else knows?" Mike asked with interest.

"Just Jane, and you," Will responded.

"So, that was the thing you could only tell Jane, but not me, but you couldn't tell Jane for another reason," Mike connected the dots.

"Yep, but I'm still not telling you," Will said with a smile.

"Oh, come on. Why not?" Mike whined.

"Because you're annoying with all those questions," Will let out. "And my mom doesn't work anywhere nearby."

"I know, I was trying to give you a cover up," Mike explained.

"But what if I wasn't Spider-boy?" Will asked.

"Oh, please. I was already sure at that point," Mike waved him off, Will rolled his eyes.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now