~part II., chapter 20.~

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"Mike," Will giggled, pushing Mike off slightly.

"What?" Mike whined while continuing to kiss Will's neck.

"Jane said to meet her at seven, it's already six fourty two," Will said, pushing Mike off again. Mike sat up, crossing his arms with a pout. Will let out a laugh as he started picking up his stuff. "Don't give me that look, I'll be back soon," Will said, kissing Mike's forehead.

"You better be, and bring milkshakes, please," Mike mummbled. Will rolled his eyes.

"You're unbeliavable sometimes, you know that?" Will let out, putting on his mask.

"Mhm, but you love me," Mike said with a smirk.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," Will said, taking a swing out of Mike's window to meet up with his best friend.

"You're late," Jane stated with crossed arms as Will landed in front of her.

"Sorry, Mike wouldn't let me go," Will said, walking behind Jane. "What did you find?"

"Not what I found, rather what Max figured out. I had to call you in later, so she wouldn't get suspicious, but I didn't mean this late," Jane explained, leading Will into even more hidden alley.

"Gee, sorry," Will rolled his eyes, Jane gave him a glare.

"See this?" Jane pointed at a garbage container filled to the top.

"Garbage, why?" Will looked at Jane, Jane rolled her eyes.

"Inside," Jane said, looking between the bags of trash. Will followed her movement to notice a weird dark black liquid spilled around.

"Is that?" Will whispered.

"Part of his body, I didn't know he could do that," Jane replied.

"You sure he's not somewhere nearby, though?" Will asked, looking around.

"Trust me, if he was he'd attack us by now," Jane waved him off.

"So, what does this all mean?" Will asked, Jane shrugged.

"No idea. Now help me get this all out to see what else this trash hides," Jane said, taking a pair of latex gloves out of her pocket.

"But I promised Mike I'd be back soon," Will protested.

"You're a superhero once, act like it," Jane rolled her eyes as she began removing bags of trash from the container. Will did a similiar thing with his webs.

"Shouldn't you be more carefull, you can easily touch that," Will said with concern.

"This is not the real Venom, just his pieces," Jane said, continuing in her thing.

"Yeah, but it's stil toxic to the touch," Will replied.

"I'm carefull, okay?" Jane said with annoyed tone.

"Gee, okay. Sorry I was worried. You on your peroid or sum?" Will said, Jane gave him a glare.

"I'm just concerned about everything going on, since you're too busy with doing Mike for that," Jane rolled her eyes.

"What exactly is your problem? Do you like Mike or something?" Will asked, Jane ignored him and fastened her pace in removing the trash bags.

"Oh my gods, you do, don't you," Will let out, staring at Jane.

"No, I don't. I don't like Mike, I actually can't stand him and I'm mad he knows about you being Spider-boy. He's just so fricking annoying and I wish I never known him, you happy now?" Jane lost it.

"Wha- where did that come from? I thought you two were friends," Will let out in confusion.

"You know what? Forget it, just let me do my job and go to Mike," Jane let out a sigh.

"You asked me to come here and help, and now you're sending me away?" Will asked.

"Yeah, you wanted to be with Mike, go be with Mike," Jane gave him a glare, Will took the hint and swung away, noting to ask Mike what happened between him and Jane.

In twenty minutes, Will was knocking at Mike's bedroom window. Mike was fast to open it, smiling widely at Will. Will handed him a cup with milkshake.

"Did you get a sale as a Hawkins hero?" Mike asked, taking a sip.

"I didn't ask for one, but they gave me one for free, calling it a 'two in one' sale for superheroes," Will chuckled, climbing in while taking off his mask.

"Then that's cool, you'll have to get us food and drinks more often, then," Mike joked, closing the window behind Will.

"I feel bad for taking advantage of my title," Will admitted, taking a sip of his own milkshake.

"You shouldn't, only thanks to you some people are still alive, and you don't even get paid for saving their asses, so I think you deserve free food," Mike said with a smile.

"Okay, if you put it that way, I definetly do deserve getting everything for free. At least from the people whose lives I saved," Will said, giving Mike a smile.

"God damn right, you do," Mike said, kissing Will's cheek.

"One question, did you do something to Jane? She got mad when I mentioned you," Will asked more seriously.

"I don't know," Mike shrugged, but it was obvious he was hiding something.

"What is it, Mike? Speak," Will said, letting Mike know he won't foul him.

"I don't want to tell anyone unless I got it confirmed, since it may just be a really nasty rumor that may destroy Jane's reputation completely. But if it turns out I'm correct, I'll tell you, okay?" Mike sighed.

"Okay, but you should apologize anyway," Will said, Mike rolled his eyes.

"Fine, I'll do when I see her, okay," Mike let out, hugging Will while kissing his cheek.

"You're not getting out of this that easily," Will mummbled, but his actions showed something else. "We'll get to it later," Will muttered before kissing Mike.

The next day, Jane didn't speak to Will until afternoon classes, where she acted like nothing ever happened between the two, Will and Max were both confused. And life went on for months like that, Jane growing more and more anxious about no signs of Venom, Mike keeping more and more sectrets 'until it's all confirmed', Max, Lucas and Dustin had no idea what was going on with their friends and they didn't even raise a slightest suspicion.

"Hey, Will wanna go to the cinema later?" Jonathan asked at breakfast one day.

"I already have plans with Mike," Will replied.

"And tommorow?" Jonathan asked again.

"Probably busy with Jane," Will shrugged.

"And wouldn't Jane want to go see a movie too? I could pay," Jonathan suggested.

"No, we have plans, sorry," Will said, shooting his brother apologetic smile.

"It's okay, you're growing up. Surely hanging out with older brother is embarrasing at this point," Jonathan said, ruffling Will's hair.

"No, that's not true. I'll make time for you next weekend, we can go watch that movie then or do whatever you'd like, yea?" Will suggested, feeling bad about not spending time with his brother.

"When was the last time we hung out? Just the two of us?" Jonathan asked, Will was pointlessly trying to come up with an answer.

"My birthday?" Will shot a guess.

"Mike was there too, but whatever. Also it was three months ago," Jonathan stated.

"Two months and a week and two days," Will said, Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"Okay, lil dude, I take you for word and I'll plan something for next weekend," Jonathan said with a smile, getting up from the table. "See you later, bye mom."

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