~part IV., chapter 1.~

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~8 months ago~

Will threw more and more papers out of his closet door. What was this all worth anyway? He didn't need it. His eyes stopped for a moment and he picked up a paper, it was just a little note with: '008, 001 ?'. Something from a while back rang through his head... "Hey Eight.." "How many times, my name is Kali..." Will opened his phone, going through his search history before he found the screenshot of an old article about the Hawkins Lab fiasco. He scanned the page before his eyes stopped at the comment that should have caught his eye the first time he read it:

Great to see they finally got caught. ;-)

That was it, the '08' in her name could mean the year she was born in, but the way she commented on the post about Hawkins Lab being closed. There was something more. If she was really born in 2008, that would mean she'd be 15 now, but the girl Will had in mind looked way older than that. He was freshly 17 and the girl looked at least three years older than him. And there was no way these two weren't one person.

That was the first time Will tried approaching the girl, he ran out of his room, not even telling his mom where he was going as he took the bus towards the car shop. And there she was, both her wrists hiden behind thick bracelets with spikes. Will came over to her.

"Hey, you're Kali, right?" Will asked, she looked at him with a judgy look.

"Listen, Spider-boy, I'm not interested in any of your bullshit," she gave him a glare. Will was taken back.

"How did you know? Also, I don't do that anymore," Will said, Kali shrugged.

"I knew since the last time I saw you, spidey-sense or whatever you call that," she explained.

"I need your help, I mean Spider-El does-"

"Nu-uh, I don't do that shit. Take a hundred eighty and go home, child," Kali said with a frown, basically pushing Will out the door.

"But.. but," Will protested.

"But nothing, you don't need to repair a car, goodbye," she said, waving him off before disappering in a staff only room.

Will tried talking to her few more times, but the result never changed. That was until April 17th, Kali sent Will off again. He went with his head down, kicking small rocks. Someone yelled from the side alley on Will's left.

"Hello?" Will called in, walking into the darkness of the alley like the idiot who has a deathwish he was, since Jonathan's death, Will was basically seeking death, which wasn't very easy with his extra regeneration. Before he could realize what was happening, a black substance with white face was flying towards him, Will didn't even scream, he just closed his eyes, that was all he could in such a short time.

Kali was just working on another car when her headache striked again, she normally ignored it, but this time it was extra strong. She quickly realized why. "That fucking idiot," Kali muttered under her breath and sneaked out of work, knowing that might get her in trouble. She found the 'idiot' rather quickly.

Will opened his eyes to the roof of a worn out apartment, he sat up, feeling angry he was still alive. He looked around, seeing the purple hair of Kali. She turned to him.

"Do you have a fucking death wish?" Kali said angrily.

"Yes," Will replied automatically, Kali sighed, sitting next to him.

"What's wrong? And don't bring Eleven into this or you're flying out that door," Kali said with a smile.

"Did you ever have the feeling that you're not enough? Like I mean, that everyone expects you to do something, but you know you can't, but no matter how often you tell them you just don't have it in you, they still believe that you do?" Will tried putting his thoughts into words.

"Every darn day of my fucking life," Kali let out, giving Will a small smile. "In the lab, everyone had telekinetic powers, so cool, I know. Well, I didn't, all I got was fucking illusions. That's why they let me go when they realized that that's all I'll ever fucking do."

"I never wanted to be 'Spider-boy' either, my friend forced me to do it because I got bitten by that stupid spider, just because I missed a bus," Will let out.

"Well, it's late, Spidey, you should go home or your mom will be worried," Kali said with a playfull smile.

"It's Will," Will said, she gave him a confused look and a "Huh?"

"My name, it's Will, not Spidey. Please don't call me that," Will explained, Kali nodded in understanding.

"Spidey or Spider-boy is probably what Eight is for me, a reminder of the time you hate," Kali guessed, Will nodded.

"Key Will, we can talk next saturday, I'll introduce you to my friends. You remember Eddie Munson?" Kali said, Will nodded, "Well, I was in his band, I'll introduce you to them," Kali gave him a smile.

"Cool, so see you next saturday?" Will asked, his eyes lighting up.

"Yep, see ya, child," Kali gave him a smile.

"Bye, and thank you," Will said with a smile, running over to the door.

"Don't get lost!" Kali called behind him.

Will was excited for saturday, but for now he had to make it through the week. It went by normally, except for the weird voice that sometimes rang through Will's mind, he thought it was a downturn of his new power and that he doesn't need to be bothered. It was a thursday when something out of the ordinary happened again.

"And with that, I believe, no I am convinced that creating an universal body that could never get old or hurt would save the humanity," Mr. Creel said, with excitment. Max raised her hand. "Miss Mayfield?" he said irritated.

"But what about Venom, could Venom beat this hypothetical body?" Max asked with challengingly raised eyebrow.

"Good question, I'll answer right away," he said, sketching a stickman on the black board, "so you see, one out of we don't know how many people is compatible with Venom, others die," he circled the stickman, "let's say whoever's making the hypothetical body is compatible," he drew a smaller stickman next to the first one, "this man or woman right here. If we take that, the one creating this hypotetical body adds their DNA to make the body compatible with Venom. Then no, Venom couldn't harm the body the typical way it does, but that doesn't mean there isn't another way Venom couldn't harm our hypothetical body. There are other factors as strenght and fight tactic, however Venom is a chaotic fighter, so I don't think it would have any chance. However if the creator won't add a compatible DNA, then absolutely yes, Venom can beat it. Any other questions?"

As if, Venom can fight way better that you ever will, that voice again. Just give him training.

Will quickly raised his hand, unusual thing for him to do, Mr. Creel turned to him with an interested look. "Yes, Mr. Byers?"

"This is all hypothetical, right?" Will asked, Mr. Creel nodded. "So, hypothetically Venom could be taught fighting tactic and be smart, how about then? Could Venom beat the hypothetical immortal body?" Will continued, Mr. Creel smiled at the question.

"But that's immposible, Venom isn't smart and can't be taught anything," Mr. Creel replied.

Apparently you aren't smart, the voice in Will's mind scoffed.

"The body also isn't real. Or are you trying to hide the fact you don't know?" Max said challengingly, Mr. Creel glared at her.

"True, but the body could be built if you're a good sciencist. Venom can't be smart anyhow. But since you all want to, let's imagine there is a smart Venom who was taught the best fighting tactics. Now the question is, what fight tactics our hypothetical immortal body controlls. Now it's all about strenght and stamina to decide who wins this fight, since hypothetically neither of them can die. However even the immortal body has it's limits, since it's made of real body parts unlike Venom, which is made from liquid or something..."

I'll show you liquid, Venom's made of the best thing in existence.

 "...then the only way the hypothetical body would need to harm the host first, which we were meant to believe is impossible as long as Venom is in control, but I don't know how true that is. So, yes, given those possibilities Venom could defeat the hypothetical body," Mr. Creel explained.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now