~part IV., chapter 17.~

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The execution was slowly starting, everyone took their seats and the room was filled with silence. Two guards brought in Henry Creel, he was tied up way more than any other prisoner, but that was because he wasn't a regular prisoner, or even person for that matter. They sat him down and got their injections ready, Dr. Owens walked in through another door and the 'show' started. Jane and Kali watched with tears in their eyes, they knew what Henry went through, but it was still his fault for ending here, they went through the same and didn't try to take over the world by purposedly killing people. Most of the people around were just watching with hatered, since Henry killed their loved ones and they wanted to watch him die. The only reason Will was allowed there was because of Jonathan, he didn't die directly because of Henry, but he and Joyce were still invited to come, Joyce refused, but Will wanted to go, to be there for Jane, her and Kali could come because of the Lab stuff.

The time of Henry Creel's last words came, a microphone put to his mouth, what he said with a devilish, psycho smile left the audience frozen: "This is not the end yet, I hope you know that."

Then, he was tied to the chair and the procedure was about to start. Will was expecting Henry to look over at Jane and Kali, but Henry was looking directly into his eyes, as if he was staring into his soul. Listen to me! the voice of Will's most hated teacher rang through his head. If Brenner knows you're Spider-Venom, you're in great danger. I'm not trying to scare you, when I found out he's escaped, I knew what he was after. So beware for when he finds out, and believe me he will find out, if he doesn't know already. He's got ways to get to people, so don't rely on your powers to protect you, be careful, William Byers. The poison was injected into Henry's veins and now everyone was just waiting for the villain to take his last breath. I'm saying this as a warning. Also did you notice the patern in the lights, I think-

Henry Creel let out his last breath, Will had soon realized he had been holding his breath the whole time and drew a deep breath as the execution was called a success. Did you hear that too? Will internally asked Venom. I did, he can comunicate through mind. Venom replied. What do you think that means? Will asked, trying to steady his breathing. What One said, Brenner's out to get us. Venom's scared voice rang through Will's head. What do you think he meant with the lights? Will asked, looking up at the still flickering lights as people around started getting up and leaving. No idea, take a video and translate it to morse code. Venom suggested. Will carefully took out his phone and sneakily took a video of the lights above him.

In about two hours, Will and Venom were laying on the floor of Will's room with Will's laptop in front of them,and a plate of cookies Kali gave Will when they were leaving the prison. Will was trying to rewrite the flickering into morse code while Venom was watching the laptop screen with morse code alphabeth on it, while eating one of the cookies.

A knock on Will's door was heard, Will called out the typical: "Who's that?"

"It's me, Gareth, I came over to check up on you. Kals said you were acting weird," a voice replied from the other side.

"Come in," Will said while sitting up. Gareth walked in, closing the door behind. He walked over to where Will and Venom were and sat down, giving Will a smile.

"Are those Kali's cookies? They're amazing," Gareth asked, reaching for one, Venom was ready to throw hands.

"Come on, V, you get sweets all the time, share for once," Will gave him a glare, Venom sat back down with a frown.

"I feel you, if Kals gave me cookies, I wouldn't wanna share either," Gareth joked before turning to Will with a smile. "How was the execution? Feeling better he's dead now?" 

"Kinda, I guess. I don't really know, I mean he's dead, but that doesn't bring anyone back," Will shrugged.

"But hey, at least no more people can die 'cause of him," Gareth shrugged with a smile.

"Yeah, but there's one more thing. There were lights flickering, it looks like morse code. I mean, I may just be looking too much into it, but also it might mean something. The issue, I don't know morse code," Will continued, showing Gareth the video he took.

"Does look like morse code, though," Gareth said as he watched the video, "mind if I help?"

"Would very like that, actually. That's why I told you," Will replied with a smile.

"You have a boyfriend, Will, if I remember correctly," Venom chimmed in, resting his head on Will's shoulder, "who's hoodie you're wearing right now, by the way."

"Stop assuming I'm flirting with everyone I'm nice to," Will whined, Venom shrugged. Gareth just laughed at that.

"So, shall we get into this mysterious prison more code lights?" Gareth asked, Will gave him a smile. 

They worked for about another hour until they were sure the flickering is rewriten in morse code perfectly, all that was left to do was the easier part, morse code to english alphabeth.

"Behold, the first sentence," Gareth said victoriously as he held up a paper, Will just laughed, but let Gareth continue reading, "f you are seeing this please help we are stuck," Gareth recitated, "I think the video didn't catch the 'i'."

"Okay, but who is 'we'?" Will asked, looking over at the part of the morse code he was translating. 'maybe dead but we are alive and need someone to get us out i can hear voic'

"Dunno, maybe some ghosts," Gareth shrugged, "What do you have?"

"Let's just translate the whole thing first, I think it will be more helpful to have the full message before we do something else," Will replied, Gareth nodded and went back to translating.

Soon, they had the full passage Will caught on camera, but they knew there must have been more, something that Will didn't translate before.

'f you are seeing this please help we are stuck none of us knows how did we get here nor how to get out we do not even know if we are presumed to be maybe dead but we are alive and need someone to get us out i can hear voices somewhere i can not understand but if you can see this please help us somehow' then there's a long pause in the video before the letters 's' and 'o' keep on repeating.

"Do you think it was One's victims?" Gareth asked after the two read the message.

"No idea, possibly," Will let out, staring at the paper, Jonathan knew morse code.

"It wasn't him, Will," Venom whispered, the two boys turned to him. "I know you want him to, but whoever it was, it wasn't Jonathan."

"I know, I know," Will muttered, Gareth slightly wrapped his arm around Will's shouders and Will put his head on Gareth's shoulder letting out a sigh. "It's just that everything was easier when Jon was here."

"Hey, it's okay. There's plenty other people who care about you just as much, you just have to let them in," Gareth whispered softly, running his hand through Will's hair.

"I know, but sometimes I wish I'd done things differently," Will sighed, burrying his face in Gareth's neck.

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