~part IV., chapter 5.~

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Summer went by with Will enjoying teenage fun with Kali and her friends, he did miss Max, Mike, Jane, Dustin and Lucas, but at this point he felt too awkward to talk to them. They all had surely moved on and forgot about him. Mike and Jane started hanging out way often when he was home for those few week or months after Jonathan's death, Will wasn't sure how long it was.

"Maybe they really are dating," Will sighed, it was one of those late September evenings.

"And maybe you really are stupid," Venom said with a smile.

"No cookie for you," Will, said giving the around floating substance a glare.

"Ow, bonkers," Venom sighed, floating to Will's level, angrily.

"Why would you even say that? I'm having a depressing moment," Will sighed.

"Mike's gay, right? And Jane or whatever her name is, she's aroace, right?" Venom asked in the tone.

"I know that, but they seem so close, what if Mike moved on? Would he even want to speak to me now? Does he hate me? I mean last time we talked I yelled at him and," Will let out a sigh, throwing his head onto the table.

"Gosh you're stupid," Venom sighed, "talk to him, or read that letter. I always wanted to know what it says," Venom smiled, reaching for an envelope between random papers on Will's table.

"I promised Mike I wasn't gonna read it," Will sighed, looking up with his head still between his arms on the table to see the envelope.

"That was before you started dating, right?" Venom asked, floating around the envelope.

"Stop reading my miiind," Will whined, Venom just laughed.

"You kinda not really broke up, didn't you? There's no way reading this can make any harm now," Venom said with a smile.

"True, but still I made a promise, I think it was a pinkie promise even, can't break that," Will said, giving Venom a little glare.

"I'm sure he won't mind," Venom pushed.

"I really hate the thoughts you represent in my mind, I would never even consider reading it, but you would read it right away," Will sighed.

"Well, I didn't promise anything," Venom said, taking a hold of the envelope before Will could stop him.

"Hey! I said no!" Will called, trying to take the envelope from Venom's little hands. "Get down here! Hey what did I say?"

But at that point the envelope was aready open and Venom was reciting: "Dear Will, what the heck am I doing? I guess happy birthday or not, I know you hate your birthday-"

Will finally managed to take the paper from Venom's arms, giving the small creature a glare.

"Go watch 'Barny the dinosaur' as a punishment," Will said with a glare.

"Noo, I don't want to," Venom whined, he hated that purple dinosaur, Will was scared of him.

"Should have thought of that before stealing my stuff, and no cookies for a week," Will said, Venom pouted, but turned on the show Will told him to watch anyway.

"And you lost car rights until you start behaving," Will said, taking the three lego cars he owned from Venom's play place.

"No fair," Venom protested.

"Should have thought about that before being a little shit, and you can be happy I even let you out still," Will said with a sigh before turning his eyes to the envelope and letter that was out now.

"You can read it now," Venom gave him a smile.

"I really hate you, you know that," Will sighed before turning his eyes to the paper. Venom was right, what else can go wrong between him and Mike anymore? They've been basically ingoring each other for the past year, mainly Will. Will really hated Venom awoke this part of him.

Dear Will, what the heck am I doing? I guess Happy B-day ... or not, I know you hate your B-day. Wow, what a way with words, Michael.
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, you remember how we met? The swings... probably not, who would remember such a thing, but for me it's a really important moment, cause I didn't know anyone and you were there by yourself too and I asked if you wanted to be friends and your adorable little face lit up and you said yes. You said yes. And I don't get until this day how did I get SO lucky to have you as my friend, I've adored you ever since. Cheesy I know, shut up.
It took me long years to realize that you were WAY more special than Lucas or Dustin, or even Max and Jane. I guess I kinda always knew I like you, but then at one point, it was during summer a while back while we were at the pool, it was before we knew Jane and you were on the big slides with Max and you guys slid down and kinda like ended underwater and Dustin called it the "mermaid show-up" when you both got out and Max's hair literally splashed water everywhere and Dustin and Lucas were like "She's so hot!", but I couldn't take my eyes off you and then you looked at me and smiled that adorable smile of yours and I realized that I'm in love with you, it was really the "Shit, I'm in love with him!" moment. That was around the time Nancy came out, later maybe and I knew my parents were gonna hate me for crushing on a boy, let alone being in love. This is so cringe, I'm so sorry, I know you hate cringy romance stuff. So, I'll make it short, you know I'm gay, but what you don't know is that it's because of you, please don't hate me after reading this. Tbh I'm not even sure I'll ever give this to you, but you know, if you're reading this, I love you! I am in love with Will Byers!!! Sorry... love you<3


"You okay, Will?" Venom asked, Will could feel tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm the asshole," Will let out, Venom was fast to give him a hug.

"You're not, and even if you are, there's still a way to fix it," Venom said reasuringly.

"No, this can't be fucking fixed. How am I gonna face Mike now after knowing all of this and he felt that way and I acted like a fucking asshole," Will let out, some of his tears hitting the paper.

"That's not true, I'm sure that he'll forgive you," Venom said with a small smile.

"Yeah, and that's it. I don't deserve him to forgive me, not after I hurt him like that," Will explained through sobs.

"So what? You're now just gonna act like nothing so the both of you will keep on hurting," Venom asked, Will shook his head.

"I don't know what I'll do, I just know I can't talk to Mike, not right now," Will sighed. His phone went off, signalizing he got a new message.

"How cool would that be if it was Mike?" Venom asked excitedly.

"Not at all," Will mummbled, picking up his phone to look at the message. Will wasn't sure if he's relieved or disappointed it wasn't Mike, but really what did he expect?

gareth : Heyy, wanna hang out tmrw? I'm picking up my motorbike up from the store, so we could go somewhere if you're free.

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