~part IV., chapter 15.~

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The room was filled with silence, the only source of sound being the TV. Then Will's ringtone was heard from upstairs.

"I'll go get it," Will quickly said, running up the stairs to Jane's room in atempt to escape the tension Hopper's statement created downstairs.

"H-hello," Will could hear his voice shaking as he answered the phone.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mike's concerned voice asked.

"Yeah, why?" Will tried playing it cool.

"Just, you sounded like something happened. Anyway, are you free rigt now?" Will was gratefull for Mike's understanding of not wanting to talk about it.

"Dependes, why?" Will asked, trying to sound chill.

"Well, me and Robin are taking Holly to ice rink if you and El wanted to come with?" Mike explained.

"Oh, yeah I think I could make it, but not sure about Jane," Will said, he could tell Mike knew something was really going on.

"Is everything okay with her?" Mike asked with worry.

"Yeah, I'll tell you later, but she's fine. Physically at least," Will let out a little laugh.

"Okay, so see you at the ice rink in a while?" Mike asked.

"Yep, be there as fast as I can," Will said with a smile to his tone.

"Cool, see you then," with that Mike hung up. Will quickly chaged to outside clothes and walked back downstairs, Jane and Hopper gone.

"Mom, can I go ice skating with Mike and his sister?" Will asked, Joyce looked at him.

"Well, so much for spending time together at Christmas, I see," Joyce sighed. "Yeah, go. Tell him I said hi."

"Thanks mom, promise I'll be back soon," Will gave her a short hug before running off.

In a couple minutes, Will was at the ice rink, seeing Robin and Mike's sister skating slowly around the edges, there wasn't much other people around, probably everyone was home with their families, mainly the people here looked like families having fun together. Will scanned the ice rink, trying to find Mike, but it seemed Mike was not on the ice.

"Hey, love," Will felt an arm wrap around him from behind and heard the playful tone of Mike Wheeler. Will turned to face his boyfriend.

"Hey Mike," Will smiled, earning a kiss on the nose from Mike.

"I was getting us hot chocolate, Holly was cold," Mike explained, gesturing at the coffee holder in his other hand.

"Why, I see you got four," Will smiled.

"Why, I knew you were comming," Mike replied with the same smile.

"Are you two just gonna stand there or what?" Robin called from the ice rink, Holly on her shoulders, waving at the boys.

"Yep, I got the chocolates to warm up," Mike said, raising the cup holder slightly.

"Yay, hot chocy!" Holly called and Robin put her down to help her out of the ice rink, since food and drinks were forbiden there.

"There's an extra whipped cream for our princess," Mike looked over the cups, handing one to Holly.

"Thank you, Mikey," Holly smiled, Will and Robin chuckled at the nickname.

"No whipped cream, extra caramel for Robin," Mike continued, ignoring their laughs and handed another cup to Robin.

"Thank you, Mikey," Robin said in a mocking voice, Mike gave her a glare, but said nothing.

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