~part IV., chapter 22.~

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After a few weeks, Will was let out of the hospital, but was adviced to not do much sports or physical activities, which wasn't a problem for Will at all. He still needed to tell everyone what really happened with Brenner, though. And the saturday was a perfect timing to do so, the band had another practice and Lucas, Max, Dustin, Jane and Mike came over as well.

"I got cookies, anyone want some?" Kali asked, bringing over a plate with a smile.

"Yes, Kali's cookies are the best," Gareth said, jumping over to her.

"Aren't those like V's favorite?" Jane asked, looking over at Will.

"Yeah, they are," Will replied, trying to keep up a smile.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mike asked, wrapping his arm around Will. At that point Will looked down, trying his hardest not to cry.

"I need to tell you all something," Will mummbled. Mike pulled him slightly closer. "About the time I was gone, it honestly felt like just a few hours, but it's been like a week," Will started, "I didn't know what was happening and I was mostly put under sedatives, so I wouldn't wake up and they could do their thing, I'll spare you the details," Will took a shaky breath, "but since then I haven't spoken to V, and I can't find him anywhere."

"But, the only way to get rid of Venom is to die," Kali said in confusion.

"I know that, but when I was in that coma thing, I saw my brother and Steve Harrington," Will continued, Dustin let out a gasp, "and Billy," now it was Max's turn to gasp before covering her mouth, "and the former host of Venom, Eddie," several gasps were heard through the room, "and some two girls, but that's not the important part. What is that they told me I lost my powers and Venom during that time with Brenner."

"Well, that's bull. I mean, it was just in your head and you never wanted those powers, so you convinced yourself you don't have them, right," Max stated. Jane however seemed to caught on already.

"If he still had his powers, which include regeneration, the hospitalization wouldn't take so long and it wouldn't leave scars," Jane said, looking over at Will as if to prove her wrong.

"Yeah, I also tried my other powers and they're not there anymore," Will sighed, Mike pulled him even closer.

"So, wait, you just lost all your powers and Venom?" Kali asked with raised voice, Will couldn't bring himself to anything else than a nod.

"And you're saying Brenner might have them now?" Kali continued yelling, Will nodded again.

"Do you have any idea what that means?" Jane was the one to raise her voice now.

"I'm so sorry," Will mummbled.

"What is wrong with you? Once you have such a responsibility and you do this?" Kali yelled in annoyance.

"You act like it was his fault," Mike gave her the same tone.

"And isn't it? With great power comes great responsibility, Mike," Dustin joined.

"Seriously?" Mike looked at Dustin in surprise.

"Just don't be a superhero when you can't do it," Darwin said.

"I never asked for any of that!" Will yelled, standing up, "I know I wasn't good enough, I know I'll never be good enough for anyone and I never asked that spider to bite me! Or Venom to take over my body. I never asked for any of that shit! I know I messed up, I know it and I'm sorry I'm not good enough, but you don't have to rub it in my face as if I wasn't feeling like shit already!" Will ran off after that, he thought that maybe they wouldn't yelled at him for it, he almost died after all.

"Are you all for real? Most of you would die on day one!" Mike yelled at basically everyone. "You act like everything going wrong is Will's fault, it's not! This is Brenner's doing!"

"Shut up! You don't understand anything!" Kali yelled at him.

"No, you don't! You've been bullied by Brenner since you were a kid, you know what he's capable of, Will doesn't. And if I remember correctly, you were the one who told Brennner about Will's powers, so if someone's to blame, it's you!" Mike yelled at her even louder.

"Mike, shut up!" Jane yelled at him, "Shut up, you don't know what it's like!"

Gareth carefully left after Will, one to check up on his friend, and two the room was getting too loud. He caught up to Will rather quickly and pulled him into a hug as Will kept on sobbing.

"Hey, it's not your fault, okay? You didn't do anything wrong," Gareth whispered in hopes to make Will feel better.

"No, they're right, I had so much responsibility put on me and I messed up so bad," Will let out through sobs.

"They're all idiots, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't end up any better than you now, they're just worried what Brenner will now do with that kind of power," Gareth continued.

"No, because they wouldn't have to be if I never lost those powers, if I never even got them," Will mummbled.

"I really wish you wouldn't have to go through that all, it wasn't fair," Gareth said, hugging Will tighter.

"Nothing in my life was ever fair, then one good thing happens to me and I go and mess everything up," Will mummbled.

"One good thing?" Gareth asked.

"Mike, I messed everything up with him. If he didn't love me he would never forgive me," Will mummbled.

"Oh," Gareth let out, "I'm so sorry."

"I just wish I never missed that fucking bus, everything would be easier now," Will let out in annoyance.

"Hey, do you want to go get something sweet? Or coffee? We could do both too, or I could get you something else," Gareth suggested.

"I just want to go for a walk, if that's okay," Will let out.

"More than okay," Gareth gave him a smile, taking a hold of Will's hand and the two began walking through the city.

It seemed that things were going to get better from that point, but that was until they reached the center. There was a podium with a big TV that displayed the face of Dr. Martin Brenner and next to the TV stood someone in Spider-man's suit.

"...was better during Spider-man's time, so I decided to bring him back," Brenner was just saying, "with a little help from science I managed to bring back the dead. I can make up for all the dead, if you're interested, call the number on screen."

"He's bluffing, it's probably just someone in a suit," Gareth stated, looking at the Spider-man judgingly.

"How can we be sure it really is the real Spider-man?" someone from the crowd, who probably heard Gareth's comment, called out.

"True, true, my friend. Steve, could you?" Brenner said with a smile and the Spider-man took off his mask, Will gasped along with most people in the crowd.

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