~part II., chapter 12.~

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"Nothing, I really just wanted to bring them over, and Jane begged me to," Hopper explained.

"Quit the crap, me and you both know about Terry Ives," Dr. Owens said.

"I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, don't act up on it," Hopper said.

"Do you know where eight and one are too?" Dr. Owens said.

"I don't, but I have a theory about the boy's brother," Hopper said, gesturing towards where they came from. For a moment Will thought they'll see him, but it was as if they were looking right through him, Will looked down, but he couldn't see his body either. Then it hit him, the first day he managed to turn invisible for a moment, but he forgot about that ability, until now.

"What about him?" Dr. Owens asked with interest.

"I think he might be number one, Joyce, his mother is hiding something. I don't think Will knows either," Hopper said, Will gasped, quickly covering his mouth as the two men looked his way and around in confusion. "What was that?" Hopper asked carefully.

"I don't know, let's go see the lizard now. Can you somehow prove your theory?" Dr. Owens asked.

"I don't know what age is one supposed to be, but if they left before El could remember, it may be him," Hopper said, walking next to Dr. Owens.

"Possible, look for the tattoo. Now, this is the lizardman, you were right, part of it's DNA was Benny from the burgraria," Dr. Owens said, showing Hopper some graphs, "Most of it's DNA combines with a lizard, but there's also something else. Maybe he got bit by that spider you brought in, you don't know who it was, do you?"

"No, but I'll figure it out. But I think the spider bit this new superhero, Spider-boy," Hopper replied.

"You remember what happened to Spider-man, right? Don't make the same mistake again, the kid's life is in your hands too," Dr. Owens said with a serious expression.

"Believe me, there is not a day I wouldn't blame myself for what happened to those kids," Hopper sighed.

"It wasn't just Steve Harrington, was it?" Dr. Owens asked.

"Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Chrissy Cunnigham and many more lost their lives that day, but those three and Eddie Munson sticked with me until today," Hopper sighed sadly.

"Eddie Munson, you say? The Venom host? Only compatible person so far," Dr. Owens assured himself.

"Did you prove he was?" Hopper asked.

"We did, he was the only compatible from all the victims we tested," Dr. Owens replied. "What about that Wheeler boy?" Dr. Owens asked.

"No idea, he avoids me since I caught him with my daughter," Hopper let out a chuckle. Jane and Mike?

"Oh, young love, am I right?" Dr. Owens chuckled, before turning serious again, "I'm telling you, Jim, that boy is going to be a problem. He was assigned to help out here as his practicals," Dr. Owens warned.

"I believe, keep an eye on him, I don't really trust him," Hopper said, looking over graphs, Will took a photo of those too since he couldn't understand them.

"One more thing, do you really trust that girl?" Dr. Owens asked.

"With my life," Hopper replied without a blink. "Why shouldn't I?" he asked in suspicion.

"We can't be sure who we can trust, how often is she visiting Dr. Brenner?" Dr. Owens asked.

"We're trying to convince him to tell us what he knows," Hopper said defensively.

"Are you sure she isn't sending him secret messages?" Dr. Owens asked.

"Are you saying I can't even trust my own daughter? That man tortured her for years and now she would be helping him? That's bull and you know it, Jane is on my side and I hope you're too," Hopper raised his voice.

"My apologies, I know what she's been through, but you have to understand I'm just being carefull. Now what's with that boy you brough with? Is he like the Spider-boy or something?" Dr. Owens asked, Will forgot how to breathe for a moment.

"Will? Hardly, he doesn't have the guts to be a superhero. Drawing them? Sure, he does that. But be one? Not a chance. He's just really close with my daughter and she asked me to bring him over, he's not special in any way," Hopper waved Owens off and the two of them laughed. At one point Will was relieved that they don't suspect him, but on the other hand, does Hopper really think so little of him.

"He looks like a little scaredy cat," Dr. Owens agreed. Will wanted to cry.

"Yes, he is. I only hang out with that family to get to prove my theory," Hopper let out a laugh, Dr. Owens joined him. Will decided he heard enough and stormed out the room, not bothering with the fact he opened the door while invisible, just like he didn't care he walked through the gate and it started going off like crazy. Will didn't care about nothing as he took out his phone, making himself visible absent-mindedly and searching in his contects, pressing call.

"Hey, it's me. Can we meet?" Will asked, trying to sound like he just didn't start crying.

"Sure, what's wrong?" the worried voice replied.

"I'll tell you, meet me at the park?" Will asked, getting a "Sure." in response.

Will was far from the city and he had to walk to the middle, he didn't mind. At least he had some time to think about everything he found out that day.

"So, you saw the top secret data and decided to snap a picture on your iPhone?" Mike asked in disbelieve, Will nodded.

"I didn't have anything else, besides I don't think anyone would go through my phone," Will rolled his eyes.

"You've been crying, can't hide that from me. What's wrong?" Mike asked with concern.

"I wish I could tell you, I really do, but I can't. I can't tell anyone except Jane anything about this, but I can't let her know," Will said, feeling his eyes burning with tears again.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure whatever it is will turn out fine," Mike said, hugging Will.

"Do you understand this or not?" Will asked, handing his phone to Mike again.

"These are DNA algorhytms, human, a reptile I think and something else here," Mike pointed at one part of the picture. "Here's some body liquids and stuff, dunno," Mike shrugged, pointing at another part. "And those are identifiers, fingerprints, teeth and stuff the police uses to identify someone," Mike said, tracing his finger over Will's screen.

"Mike?" Will whispered, tracing a pen mark on Mike's hand.

"Hm?" Mike asked, looking over at Will's hand on his.

"Did you ever date Jane? Or like, you know.. had something with her?" Will asked, looking up to meet Mike's eyes, Mike was avoiding eye contact with Will and his cheeks were slightly pink.

"Once I was over at her place, her dad wasn't meant to be home and we talked about crushes and Jane said she thinks she's a lesbian and I think I knew back then I was gay, but I was in denial, so I said I had my suspicions too and we were like: 'Let's kiss to see how we feel about that' and then her dad walked in while we were kissing, I refuse to be in the same room as him since," Mike explained, kinda embarrasedly.

"Oh, makes sense. Did you ever kiss a guy?" Will asked, Mike finally met his eyes.

"Unfortunatelly not," Mike let out.

"Then how do you know you like boys?" Will asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Because I like one boy, and I'm pretty sure it's more than a crush at this point," Mike explained.

The two were just staring at each other, flicking their eyes between the other's eyes and lips. Then Will's phone started ringing, they broke eye contact and Will looked at the caller ID, to see the text 'annoying bestie<3' written on the screen.

"Shit, I didn't tell Jane I was leaving," Will muttered before picking up.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя