~part II., chapter 7.~

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For the next few days, Will managed to fix his grades, friendships and most of his life. Joyce said she's proud of him for getting his life together before the age of sixteen, which wasn't too far away. Jonathan got a new obsession with photographing Spider-boy in action, which made Will a little more nervous, but nothing abnormally dangerous was happening since Benny, so Jonathan wasn't really in danger. Still Will was kind of worried about Venom, no one knew where it was and Jane seemed worried about it too.

Will's alarm went off and he reached from under his blanket to get his phone, the charger cable disappearing underneath the blanket after the phone.


🔋 📶 6:30 AM

6:30 AM
Tuesday 22nd March
100% charged

new notifications:

Mike <3 12:01 AM
happy birthday will

Max ;) 5:32 AM
Happy B-day

Lucas :) 5:43 AM
happy bday will

Dustin :D 6:15 AM
Happy birthday Will <3


Will let out a groan, he was one of those people who don't like their birthdays. Not because people would forget or not care about it, Will just felt bad that everyone made the day only about him. In short, Will never got why people were making birthdays such a big deal. Sure, Will loved presents, but he felt bad that everyone got him a gift and he didn't give them anything in return, that's why he likes christmas better than birthdays, but his favorite holiday was no doubt Halloween.

That's when Will realized that it was a school day and he should probably get up, if he doesn't want to miss the bus. But he got those powers already, so what else could happen now? Will's mind wondered to getting attacked by Venom, but he brushed it off. Venom's god knows where and has made no atempts of coming back.

Will got out of his bed and walked into the bathroom to get ready. When he reached the kitchen-living room, Will would rather just crawl back to his bed when he saw the extra breakfast his mom made.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Happy birthday," Joyce smiled, giving Will a hug and kissing his forehead.

"Morning, thanks," Will mummbled. He walked over to the table, sitting next to his brother.

"Sweet sixteen, right?" Jonathan joked, Will gave him a smile. "Happy birthday, lil bro," Jonathan ruffled Will's hair, Will just rolled his eyes. "So, how about I pick you up from school and we can go shopping, I could buy you the skateboard you wanted."

"I wanted a skate last summer, I don't have time for another hobby right now," Will said, paying attention to his breakfast, but noticing the disappointed look on Jonathan's face. "But we can hang out, I think I'm running out of acrylic paint," Will said, giving Jonathan a smile.

"I could buy you that, or you can pick anything you want," Jonathan said with a smile.

"Sure, but I really don't want anything at the moment, so I guess I'll just get the paints," Will shrugged.

"Easy doing buisness with you when you don't want anything," Jonathan laughed, "Come on, you have to want something."

"World peace and no school," Will joked, Jonathan laughed.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now