~part II., chapter 24.~

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!TW: Gwen scene ahead (if you know, you know)!

Will had gotten close enough to see what seemed to be a small speaker, Will tried listening to anything the speaker could let out.

"Don't let him escape, Spider-boy has to die!" a voice to Will familiar said. Will couldn't put a name or face to the voice, but he knew that voice from somewhere.

Will took all his strenght to push the giant down, trying to force it to fall onto the roof. Didn't work as well as Will would like it to, but it did something. The mutant turned around with an angry screach, Will swung away a few meters, keeping his eyes on the mutant. The mutant ran over to him angrily, Will swung over it's head back towards the facility, he wouldn't have done that if he knew that he wasn't the only one there...

"Come on, you piece of shit!" Will called over to the mutant, trying not to show how scared he was. No, he wasn't dying here today.

The mutant ran over to Will, Will dodged, resulting in the mutant to crashing into the roof as Will intended, the mutant was through and through with a small spiky roof. A flash went through the scene, Will realized what that meant, the mutant saw it too. A photographer was hiding on top of the still standing tower, too high to survive if he was to fall. The mutant took a swing, breaking the tower in half, making the photographer fall, Will stopped paying attention to the giant and swung over to the falling civilian, at least he tried. The moment he took his eyes off of the mutant, it grabbed his body, stopping him in place. Will managed to get his hand out, shooting a web towards the falling boy while yelling: "No!"

From then everything happened too fast for Will to register, he managed to catch the civilian just before his body touched the ground, but he wasn't moving. Will could hear that voice telling the mutant to kill him and the mutant's grip losening before it fell to the ground, finally dead.

Will quickly swung over to his brother, taking his mask off as the rain kept on pouring harder and harder. Will broke Jonathan from the webs, placing him on the ground.

"Jon? Jon can you hear me? It's me," Will said through tears. "Come on, please," Will whispered. "It's gonna be okay, I'll take you to the hospital, we still need to watch that movie on sunday."

Picking Jonathan up and pulling his mask on again, Will was on his way to the nearest hospital. He barged in, not caring about anything.

"Please someone help," Will said as a nurse approached him.

"What happened?" the nurse asked, gesturing for someone else to take care of Jonathan.

"He followed me, I don't know why. Just help him, please," Will said anxiously while trying to not give out his secret identity. "I need to go now," Will said, running out of the hospital. He took a seat on a building nearby, watching the surgery his brother was put through.

Eventually all the doctors left after exposing disappointment, the room's lights turned off. Will knew what that meant, they weren't able to save Jonathan. He took a swing away, not really knowing where to go, he ignored his ringing phone, not even checking the caller.

"He's not picking up to me either," Mike let out nervouslly. Jane tried calling once again, it's only been a few minutes since she ran out of the Byers' apartment without further explanation when Joyce broke down after getting a call from the hospital about the death of her older son.

"No," Jane shook her head, "I mean, he always broke down when complete strangers died as he said 'because of him', can you imagine what losing his brother like that did to him?" tears started rolling down Jane's cheeks.

"Hey, we'll find him, okay?" Mike tried to reasure her, "I think I know where he might have gone."

With that they began running towards Mike knows where, he didn't bother with telling Jane. They ran up the stairs of a building, Jane was skeptical, but for Mike this was the only place Will could be. He threw the outside door open, letting out a sigh of relief after seeing Will's soaking wet hair flowing through the air. Mike shot a look to Jane, she gestured for him to go. Not knowing what to do, Mike stepped closer, sitting down next to Will carefully, pulling him close. Will ignored the two, he curently didn't care about anything. Jane soon sat on the other side of Will, hugging him as well. Then there was silence only filled with Will's sobs. It felt like hours until someone finally said something.

Spider-man, Spider-boy and Spider-El |Stranger Things AU|Where stories live. Discover now