~part IV., chapter 14.~

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Those few weeks that were left until Christmas passed by normally, and it was already Christmas day morning. Joyce and Will were spending the holidays at Hopper's. Will and Jane were still asleep in Jane's room upstairs, while Joyce was already making breakfast and Hopper was watching Christmas movies on TV.

"Will, Will, Will, wake up, wake up, it's Christmas, Will," Will woke up to the sound of Jane's voice and a feeling of someone poking his cheek.

"Let me sleeeep," Will whined, turning to the other side.

"William, it's Christmas, get up," Jane tried pulling him up.

"Yeah, it's Christmas, we want our Christmas cookies," Venom said, also trying to push Will up.

"They can't know about you, and I want to sleep," Will whined. Jane thought for a moment.

"But we're supposed to be meeting the others and Mike later," Jane said with a smile. Will sat up.

"What? Why didn't you tell me? I need to get ready," with that he was already up.

"I was joking," Jane laughed, "I knew it was gonna wake you up, now let's go get presents."

"I hate you," Will glared over at her, Jane just shrugged.

They walked downstairs, still in their pajamas.

"Good morning, merry Christmas," Jane called happily, giving both Joyce and Hopper a hug.

"Morning," Will let out with a yawn.

"There's two types of people," Hopper let out with a smile.

"Breakfast?" Joyce asked with a smile.

"Yes, please," Will said, sitting down at the bar chairs.

"Presents," Jane said, pointing at the tree.

"Food first, young lady," Hopper told her, Jane sighed and went to sit down next to Will.

Jane finished her breakfast rather quickly and skipped over to the Christmas tree to go through the presents beneath. Will soon finished his breakfast too and went to sit down on the couch. They opened their presents and watched TV like a normal family does on Christmas, but they all knew that they weren't a normal family.

Then Hopper's phone started ringing, Joyce gave him a look.

"Couldn't you turn it off, at least for Christmas?" Joyce asked.

"Sorry, babe, but crime knows no holiday and I need to be ready in case they needed me. I'm the sheriff afterall," Hopper said apologetically and went to pick up the non-saved number.

"Sheriff Jim Hopper, how may I help you?" Hopper answered, standing up from the couch and leaving to another room.

"See that? Can't even stay off work during the holidays," Joyce sighed.

"He does that, but his work is important, though," Jane smiled.

"At lease he took a day off," Will said with a smile, hugging his mom.

"Yeah, and we're all together. That's what matters, right?" Jane continued, hugging Joyce from the other side.

"Yeah, that's what matters," Joyce smiled, hugging the two back.

The peacefull atmosphere that was at the Hopper's, couldn't have been said the same about the Wheeler residence. There's been a lot of tension since last night as Nancy decided to invite Robin over for the holidays since Robin had no one to spend them with, and Nancy's mother wasn't a fan of her daughter's 'friend'.

"Mom, can't you at lease pretend to like her?" Nancy asked while helping her mother wash the plates after breakfast. Karen looked over to the living room where Mike, Holly and Robin sat by the tree, smiling and talking.

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