Chapter 47

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When asked by Ravia, Leticia tilted her head.

“*Sweetly? Do you mean, literally?”

(T/N: *Correction- last chapter it was 'kindly' but 'sweetly' is more fitting here because they were talking about affection rather than just friendliness)

“My brother likes your aria very much.”

“Oh, really? I didn't hear that directly from him, but it's truly an honor for me,” Leticia said, heat rushing up her cheeks.

She only gave a moderate answer, and there seemed to be hesitation in her face.

She wondered, 'Was he kind to me?' and she wasn't sure how to answer Ravia's question.

Usually, innocence is also linked to stupidity, but Leticia's innocence was different from stupidity. It was a kind of mask that she put on to survive.

Others won't raise their guard against innocent people. Innocent people could easily be ignored by anyone. There are things that can be seen only by people who claim to be weak.

For example, a subtle change in the other person's attitude.

At her first meeting with Tidwell, Leticia thought, 'He's only sincere to Miss Ravia.'

He was only sweet when Ravia was around, but when Ravia left, his aura reverted to coolness.

Kindness and sweetness are similar, but it was different at the same time.

Tidwell was always kind, but he was never sweet to Leticia. There were certain times when the ice disappeared.

It was when they were talking about Ravia.

It was like that when Leticia went to the Leontine residence. Tidwell looked tired of responding to her, but his attitude changed when the topic about Ravia came up.

-“If it's really urgent, I can deliver your message to my sister.”

-“W-Will that be okay? I'm afraid of being impolite…”
-“It's not very polite to step into the residence without a prior appointment, however, you will be excused since I can attest that you were in an urgent need.”

Leticia was aware that a knife slipped between his words.

At that time, she was sure.

Tidwell had a kind attitude, but his personality wasn't good.

But he was only sincere to Ravia. That already meant a lot.

So she answered like this.

-“Thank you, Little Duke is so kind!”

-“Do I look like that?”

-“Of course.”

If he could be sweet for one person, then he was a sweet person.

Tidwell may not have a good personality, but he could be a good person as long as Ravia was present.

Leticia believed in that possibility.

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