Chapter 79

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It wasn't only because Tidwell clearly expressed 'what he wanted to do.' He made himself clear the moment he lifted her.

Above all, Ravia wasn't old enough to have already gotten tired of doing such things.

But she had less experience for her age.

He observed her furrowed expression when she, still half-asleep in the morning, felt the dull pain throughout her body after he had rammed her the night before.

“You did it yesterday, again?”

“I'm not sure what you mean by that. I don't think I did it many times.”

“You did it many times. I just returned from going out and hadn't washed either.”

“I don't mind that.”

Rather, he'd be crazy if he didn't pounce on the fragile body that only he could touch under this thin sheet.

He didn't think he could quench his thirst if he didn't capture the marks he carved the night before and her moans of pleasure.

But Tidwell held his patience still. For he was, as he said, a man of patience.

He didn't want to force Ravia. Rather, yesterday was the first time Ravia ever stopped him from holding back.

After all, he'd still be able to restrain himself using the little rationality he had left.

“If you don't like it, I'll take you to your room.”

The tone when he indirectly asked her consent was both lukewarm and sweet.

Was it only her feelings that made his voice sound sweet?

So Ravia answered after mulling over it for quite a while, “Kiss, let's try it once more and decide after…”

His chest heaved heavily upon hearing her answer that sounded more like a lecture.

Tidwell scoffed, pushing her onto the bed carefully with the corners of his mouth curled up.

“That's a wise answer.”

After his brief response, their lips met again. As their breathing became rougher, the beautifully spread blanket quickly wrinkled into a mess.

This time again, Ravia couldn't get out of bed until morning.

After making up her mind to find another path that wasn't in the prophecy, Ravia's goal could be summarized as follows.

Maintaining Tidwell's feelings and surviving.

First of all, no immediate method to make sure of Tidwell's feelings had presented itself.

'It doesn't sit right with me, but I have no choice but to leave it to the possibility.' Ravia thought as she sat in a rattling carriage and looked out at the dark landscape beyond the window.

It was said that the seasonal users in fairy tales went through a process that was commonly known as 'seasonalization' in the literature.

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