Chapter 66

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Tidwell was skilled at controlling his facial expression, but Ravia could read his mind sometimes.

For example, when a chilling lust flashed in his pale blue eyes, giving an impression that froze the blood of those who faced him.

An unintended threat.

Ravia could see how her own frame was reflected in his eyes.

The first thing she learned before stepping into high society:

Let your reflection shine in their eyes.

It was quite different from straightening your spine or keeping your chin slightly down to fix your posture.

Duke Leontine was a man who knew that eloquence and prestige alone weren't enough to dominate high society.

So as soon as the etiquette teacher found a flaw in Ravia's impeccable manner, he invited a new teacher.

She was a great actress who dominated the empire ten years ago, Odette.

Having retired due to pneumonia and spending her time leisurely, she was given the honor to teach the children of high-ranking aristocrats.

And so she met a very arrogant, blunt, and callous girl. The girl who only received warmth from her old butler and material support from the servants.

So by the time she turned seventeen, all she learned was the knowledge from books and the mannerisms of an aristocrat.

A doll-like girl with no sociability.

Odette thought of her first meeting with Ravia and said.

–It was a very interesting challenge for me, Ravia.

Light flashed in her evergreen eyes as she said that, and she thought to herself.

It must be fun to liven up a girl who is as hard as rock, who drives everyone away and is only looking up to her father.

–Do you know that there's a lot of important things in the world besides being recognized by your father?

Odette was someone who never lost hope no matter how dreadful reality was. Perhaps because she had an everlasting beauty which made people believe she was in her twenties despite being in her forties.

She liked the saying that a person can live without bread, but cannot live without a dream. And she was the one who encouraged Ravia's desire in life.

So the first thing Odette did was to make Ravia embrace her ambition.

Of course, the way she did it was quite unique.

–You have to be ambitious, Ravia.

–But I think my position right now is already high enough, ma'am.

–That's the problem, Ravia. People think that ambition is all about sitting in a high position. But it is important for us to see the core.

–The core?

–Yeah. Why do you think ambitious people dream of sitting in a high position?

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