Chapter Four Meeting Grandma Verosika

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February 18th

(Verosika Mayday/Goetia)

I was in my recording studio in the basement with Apple and Coco who were helping me write my new album, when I heard the sound of the front door closing echo throughout the Mansion considering it was very heavy when closed, Since Blitz hasn't gotten back yet from taking care of the target for extermination, and Stolas hasn't arrived back either from teaching astronomy lessons at Harvard in the living world.

And plus Via hasn't arrived back home yet since she was going to be back late tonight after she is finished with her college classes thus the only person that could've gotten back has to be Loona, I then looked at Coco and Apple and I said I will be right back girls, I then opened the door and I walked upstairs, Once upstairs my ears picked up the sound of another voice talking to Loona.

I walked into the kitchen and I saw that Loona had a little girl seated on her lap and the little girl was eating some chicken nuggets and fries while Loona watched her eat, I walked over to the table and I then sat down next to Loona I waited for the little cutie to finish eating before I asked softly Loona who's this little cutie? Loona looked up and she said with a soft smile This is my newly adopted daughter Melinda which makes her your granddaughter Mom.

I couldn't help but squeal happily looking at my new granddaughter saying hi cutie I'm Verosika but you can call me grandma, I then asked May I hold her Loona? Loona said sure you can and then gently placed Melinda in my arms, I then held her against my bosom and I then asked how did you find her Lunes?

Loona then proceeded to fill me in on how Melinda had come to be in Loona's care and by the end of Loona's explanation I had tears cascading down my cheeks which smeared my mascara which frankly I didn't real care about, I then looked down into my granddaughter's aqua blue eyes and I said I'm so very sorry cutie for what you had to witness with your mom's death.

I then said I know that Loona can't replace your birth mother but Loona is one of the most gentle and genuine she will take great care of you, I saw that Melinda had tears running down her face and I could tell that she was going through so many emotions all at once, I then said Loona we should go up to the surface and give her mom a proper burial, Loona simply nodded her head.

I felt Melinda's breathing slow down and I immediately knew that she had fallen asleep against my chest, Loona then said Crap I just realized that I don't have much for Melinda besides the pull-ups that Lana had given me, I don't even have a bed for Melinda to sleep in Mom.

I then said we will get the clothes, furniture, accessories and everything else tomorrow dear, for tonight Melinda can sleep on your bed Lunes and then first thing in the morning we can go shopping for stuff for Melinda, As we continued to plan for tomorrow a pair of squeals echoed throughout the kitchen and I then turned my head to the doorway and I saw Apple and Coco.

I felt Melinda begin to stir in my arms and I then looked back down before sung a lullaby into her ear to help her fall back asleep, I then turned my head back to my oldest girlfriends and I hissed in harsh whisper shut the fuck up girls otherwise you'll be sorry for waking Melinda up, Apple and Coco seemed to understand that I meant business and they both then quit their squealing.

Apple and Coco cautiously approached the kitchen table and they sat down on either side of me and then Apple was the one who asked the question who is the little one Verosika? I then said with a smile this is Melinda my new granddaughter girls, Coco then said excitedly can Apple and I hold her? I then said not now maybe later girls I just got her to fall asleep.

And don't try the puppy dog pout on me because I'm not going to change my mind on the subject, after saying this it ended the conversation which Coco and Apple understood that I was putting my foot down on the matter, Loona then informed Coco and Apple on how Melinda came into her care, After Loona had finished explaining everything including our plans for tomorrow Apple spoke.

Apple then said that her and Coco had stuff meant for a toddler at their home from when Coco's nephew and niece were little and when they were Melinda's age, Plus they were willing to give all of girl clothes toys accessories and everything else to Loona for Melinda to use, I looked over to Loona and I saw that she was deep in thought on the matter.

After a few minutes Loona spoke saying that she was going to take Coco and Apple on their offer and Coco said Apple and I will bring everything over tomorrow around mid morning, Loona then hugged her two favorite adoptive aunts and she said thank you so much guys, Apple said you're welcome dear and if you have any questions about raising a child please give us a call, Loona said I sure will.

After a while I felt a dampness against my chest and after a few seconds of trying to figure out why my chest was wet and I then realized that Melinda's pull-up must've been completely filled with pee to the point it began to leak, I then said this to Loona who handed my the duffel bag with the stuff I would need to change Melinda with, I took Melinda to the bathroom and I quickly but efficiently changed Melinda's pull up, Melinda sure is a darling and I'm beyond grateful that I get to be her grandma.

Once Melinda was all cleaned up I then carried her to the couch and I laid down on the couch with Melinda on my chest and I took a nap with her nestled on my chest with my arms wrapped around her to prevent her from falling off the couch.

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