Chapter Six Melinda meets Charlie and Vaggie

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February 22nd
A/N Hey Everyone this is going be the first of two chapters that are going to be released today, the reason for the dual chapters being published today is because of the great mood that I have been in for past two days, so Enjoy the chapters Signed WerewolfSolider889.

(Charlie Magne) Mordecai get back here I called after mine and Vaggie's three year old son Mordecai as I chased him through the hotel Mordecai continued to evade my attempts at giving him a bath, Oh Hi everyone my name's Charlotte Magne or as my friends and family call me Charlie but you probably all already know who I am.

Mordecai yelled as he ran stark naked through the hallways you can't catch me mommy and after what felt like an eternity I finally managed to corner our son at the check in desk but as I went to grab him he took off again, Thankfully he didn't get very far because a pair pale arms picked him up and she held him tight, I looked up at my wife of six years Vaggie and I couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh.

Vaggie said Have you been giving mommy a hard time at bath time bubba? Mordecai innocently said yes mama! Vaggie then gently chided him saying there will be time to play later but right now's bath time young man, Vaggie then walked over to me and she placed Mordecai into my arms before she said here you go hun, I then said thanks babe.

I then turned on my heels and I headed back to our bedroom and once I had reached our bedroom I carried Mordy into the attached bathroom before I closed and locked the bathroom door behind me, I then placed Mordecai back into the warm tub water and I began to scrub him clean, after ten minutes I had finally finished bathing Mordy.

After I had gotten finished bathing Mordecai I then helped him out of the bath-tub before I dried him off and then I let him get dressed into his clean clothes by himself before I walked over to the door and I unlocked the door, I then knelt down in front of him and I said Mordy mama and I will be going out for lunch with our your godmother Loona so we will be gone for a while, While your mama and I are gone Aunt Cherri and Uncle Angel will be watching you while we're gone.

So please listen and obey whatever and whenever they ask you to do something okay! Mordecai said okay Mommy and I then said now give me a hug kiddo, Mordecai then hugged me tightly and he said I luv you mama, I love you too so much kiddo, I then stood up and I took Mordecai to his bedroom so he could play with his toys before I headed downstairs to meet up with Vaggie in the lobby.

Once I had arrived in the lobby and I had reached Vaggie's side the two of us headed out to the parking lot and we both then got into my car which is affectionately and ironically called demon slayer don't ask me why it's called that, Anyways Vaggie is seated in the passenger seat while I drove to our destination.

The place that we're going to meet Loona for lunch is called the 666 bar and grill restaurant which is on the outskirts of downtown Pentagram City, 666 bar and grill restaurant happens to be our favorite place to eat, After Forty Minutes I finally pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and once I had parked the car and then Vaggie and I got out of the car before we headed inside to meet Loona.

Once inside I walked up to the hostess stand and I said two to join the Goetia/Mayday party the hostess said follow me and she grabbed two menus for Vaggie and I before she led us to where Loona was sitting at, once we had reached the booth where Loona was sitting Vaggie and I sat down on the opposite side of the table, Loona looked up from her menu and she said with a small smile you guys made it.

Of course we made it Loona we wouldn't miss seeing you even if all the overlords of all the rings of Hell combined forces to stop us, A little voice spoke in the silence that followed saying Mommy I'm hungry! I then looked to Loona's left and I saw a little human girl who looked to be about two or three years old sitting next to Loona, I then asked Loona who's this little precious princess?

Loona then said with a smile this is my adopted daughter Melinda guys, Loona then looked at Melinda and she then whispered into her ear Can you say hi to mommy's friends Charlie and Vaggie kiddo? Melinda then looked up at Vaggie and I before she said shyly Hi Ms Vaggie and Ms. Charlie!

I could barely contain myself from reaching over the table and taking the little girl into my arms and holding her in my arms, Loona then said guys I know that you both have just met Melinda but I was wondering that if you guys would be interested in being Melinda's godmothers, I looked at Vaggie and I asked what do you think Vags?

Vaggie looked at Loona before she said this is a big decision to make and I think that we need to think on it before we make any decision on the matter Loona! Loona then said please take your time and think it over Vags, Vaggie said Charlie and I appreciate that you're being understanding about this decision.

I then asked how long have you had Melinda for Loona? Loona said Melinda has been in my care for a week now and even though it got off to a rough start the first night I wouldn't have it any other way Charlie, The three of us talked while Melinda colored in her coloring book, Vaggie and I had a lot of fun with Loona and Melinda and hopefully we could set up a playdate for Mordecai and Melinda someday.

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