Chapter Five Settling In

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February 20th

(Loona)  it's been a whole day since I adopted Melinda as my pup and even though the first night was very rough for her and I but we both managed to get through the night together, I took a picture of my little pup on her first night with me and I sent it Melinda's second mommy Bee and daddy Vortex and I captioned Meet the New Pup y'all on the private page that the three of us share together.

After about an hour of the picture on Sinstagram Bee was the first one to message me on my Sinstagram profile and she wrote aww what a cutie pie Loona, then she wrote a second message and she said I can't wait to meet her next time in Imp City, After Tex had responded back as well I fell asleep with Melinda wrapped up safely in my tail.

Anyways the day after Coco and Apple brought over everything that I would need to be able to care for Melinda which ranged from a toddler bed to clothes and toys, Mom and I assembled the toddler bed together while Apple and Coco assembled the dressers, While the four of us set up Melinda's bedroom Melinda's aunt Via was keeping a close eye on her new niece.

(Octavia) I was sitting on the couch keeping a close eye on my niece while her momma was setting up her bedroom, Melinda walked over to the couch and she said with a pout Auntie Via I'm bored! I said while containing my laughter do you want to watch tv with me luv? Melinda nodded her head and she then lifted her arms up and she said Up Please? I then picked her up and I brought her onto the couch.

When I got home around 7:00 this morning after I spent the night at a friends house working on a project for my sophomore college midterm, the project is seventy five percent of my midterm grade which has been causing me to stress out a lot, Anyways when I got to my room I fell asleep and I slept until about eleven thirty before I went downstairs for breakfast, When I had reached the kitchen I was shocked that there was a human child sitting on Loona's lap.

While we all ate breakfast Loona had informed dad Blitzo and I on why this little human girl was here! Loona had informed us that she had taken the girl in honor of her dying mother's final wish, I normally don't get very emotional but the whole story was so very heartbreaking, I couldn't fathom what Melinda could possibly be thinking of the situation, Loona said with determination I know this is a big shock but I have grown very attached to Melinda and if any of you hurt her I will hurt you.

To emphasize her point Loona punched the table which nearly split it in half when no one objected about Melinda being here Loona stood up and she carried Melinda back to her room, After Loona and Melinda had left the room there was complete silence, my stepfather Blitzo broke the silence by saying What The Fuck Was That About and my stepmom Verosika said that my dear blitzy is Overly-Protectorus Motherus which caused him to groan and say sarcastically oh joy.

The one person who hadn't spoken since before Loona had made her announcement is my dad I looked over to dad and I asked him Dad are you okay? Dad spoke saying yes I'm fine Via I was just processing everything, I can't believe that I'm a grandfather I honestly didn't expect to be able to live to see any grandchildren considering all the assassination attempts on my life, After that we all cleared the table and then we all went our separate ways for the day.

Thank Fuck today's Saturday so I can relax and get to know my new little niece anyways in the early afternoon I went to Loona room and I got to properly get a chance to form a bound with my new niece and the rest they say is history or whatever.

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