Chapter Twenty One Damn Paperwork

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March 13th

(Lucifer Morningstar) Fuck I hate paperwork so damn much after eating breakfast with my wife and grandson I locked myself in my office so I could get some very important paperwork that I've been putting off for to long done, so of the paperwork that I need to get signed are important documents that the parliament needs signed asap, Being king of hell is a very tedious job.

After I finished sorting through the papers that need to be signed I placed my head in my hands and I let out a deep sigh, Hopefully once I am finished reviewing and signing the documents I can actually go and spend time with wife and grandson, I was just started sign the documents when I heard a knock on my door I called come in and my wife lily walked through the door.

Lily then said as she stood by the door Dear you look extremely tired and stressed out right now why don't you take a break because this isn't healthy to be locked in your office for hours! I sighed before I said I know Lils but I really need these important documents signed before the next parliamentary session on Monday, I have put them off for two weeks, Lily walked over and she sat on the corner of my oak desk.

Look how about this after I get through the most important papers first I will take a break Lils but until then I need to focus though you're welcome to stay here with me if you want to, I then started to review and sign the documents left and right while Lily looked on while I worked,  an hour and mountain of paperwork later I was finished.

Lily then pulled me out of my chair and she said why don't you Mordy and I go to the local beach? And relax dear and besides those papers aren't going anywhere anytime sorry dear you know just how stressed out I get at times, to which Lily said I know dear but can't keep doing this because neither of us are getting younger.

Lily then took my hands and she dragged me out of my office and back to our bedroom to get ready to go to the beach, I got into my favorite red bathing suit and swimshirt while Lily got into a tight fitting one piece bathing suit and while Lily grabbed everything that we were going to need for the beach I went to get our grandson ready to go to the beach.

I walked down the hallway until I had arrived at the Mordecai's playroom, I poked my head into the playroom and I said Hey Mordy you me and grandma are going to go to the beach are you going to be able to get ready on your own kiddo? Mordecai said yes I can get ready on my own papa! I couldn't help but smile and I said whenever you are ready we can leave

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