Chapter Twenty Seven Great Grandma Lily and Melinda

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March 24th

(Lilith Morningstar)

It's going to be glorious today because I get go and see my great granddaughter Melinda today at her house, it's going to be lot of fun I am bring a couple of new games, toys and clothes for her with me, I used my hellfire powers to teleport to the Goetia mansion and upon my arrival I used my powers to manifest an umbrella since it was pouring rain.

I walked to the front porch with my umbrella still in my hand and upon ascending the steps to the front porch I then knocked on the door with the door knocker and I waited for someone to answer the door, after a few moments the door opened and my oldest grandchild answered the door, Next Thing I knew Loona pulled me inside before she gave me a bone crushing hug.

I returned the hug and I said Hi princess how're you doing? Loona said I'm doing good grandma I looked into her eyes and I could tell that she looked extremely exhausted, I then asked sweetie have you been getting enough sleep at night? Loona shook her head and she said not really grandma Melinda hasn't been sleeping well the last two days, I then said with my arms crossed across my chest well dear well here's how it going to work dear, You're are going to go upstairs and get some sleep.

Loona then said but grandma I can't go to sleep knowing that Melinda will be unsupervised while I sleep, I then said that is why I am here dear I will watch over Melinda for you while you catch up on your sleep, Loona then said with a relieved sigh thanks so much grandma, I then said you don't have to thank me for anything besides it's part of my job as your grandmother to help you out.

I then shooed Loona upstairs to her room and then once she was inside her room I then closed her bedroom door but I left it open ajar and then I headed to Melinda's bedroom, once I had reached Melinda's bedroom door I gently knocked on the door, when I didn't hear anything for a few minutes I got very nervous and so I gently opened the door slightly and I poked my head inside the room, what I saw made me quite concerned.

Inside on her small twin bed Melinda was whimpering as she tossed back and forth in her bed and so I then quickly made my way over to the bed and I started to comfort my great granddaughter, I found that part of the reason why Melinda's upset is because her pullup is wet and so I quickly walked over the changing table and I quickly changed her into a fresh one, once Melinda was cleaned up I then brought her back over to her bed and I began to comfort the poor girl, I sang a lullaby to help her relax.

Once Melinda woke her and I played many games and I even spent the afternoon with her until after dinner before I went home.

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