Chapter Fifty Another Day Hellhound Down

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April 16th

(Blitzo) I ran behind cover and I began to reload my flintlock pistol, I looked to my far right and I see Moxxie and Millie are pinned down by the suppressing fire from a few guards of a fanatical religious cult, As I started to stand up I heard a distinctive canine like whimper come from the other side of the room, I looked up and over my makeshift cover and I saw something that made my heart stop.

Lying a small pool of blood is my daughter Loona who's on the floor injured this made my heart beat incredibly fast and I barked over to Moxxie and I yelled out Lay down suppressing fire Moxx to which Moxxie on it sir, As Moxxie laid down excessive amount of rounds down range I ran as fast as my damn legs could run to reach my daughter, When I reached Loona I popped a smoke grenade and I threw it where some of the gunfire from the guards were coming from and I used all of my strength to drag Loona out of the line of fire.

I dragged her back to where I had been taking cover not even five minutes ago, I then yelled Millie please get over here and bring the first aid kit with you, Millie crawled over with the med kit in her mouth and when she reached us she gasped, Boss is Loona dead Millie asked, no she's not dead Millie but she will be if we don't stem the bleeding, Millie then scooted over to Loona's side before she removed Loona's shirt.

While Millie started to look for where the entry point of the bullet was I began to seethe with rage, I grabbed my bazooka from against the wall and began blasting rounds down range at the fuckers who hurt my daughter, I kept blasting until all the fuckers in the part of the warehouse that we are trapped in were dead, D Dad? I looked down at my daughter and I said shh shh pumpkin hold on, Loona said Dad I feel so cold.

I helped Millie locate the bullet hole and when we did I said god almighty this is bad Mills the bullet had hit an artery just below Loona's heart, We need to get Loona out of here and to St. Judas General now, Millie said on it sir she then retrieved the grimoire and she began the teleportation spell, Moxxie asked me What happened to Loona sir?

I looked at one of my best employees and I said don't know Moxx but we need to get her out of here ASAP, Once Millie had finished the teleportation spell a portal opened up and Millie helped me get Loona through the portal while Moxxie covered our retreat with gunfire, Once through the portal I left Loona with Millie momentarily while I ran into St. Judas General Hospital to get Loona help.

Once inside I ran up to the reception desk and I began speaking so incredibly fast that I couldn't enunciate correctly, the receptionist said in a calm and soothing manner calm down sir! I then said a bit slower my daughter has been shot and she's bleeding though my associate and I were able to slow the bleeding but my daughter needs immediate medical attention ma'am! The receptionist said alright sis I will have a gurney brought outside and we will get your daughter into surgery right away.

I then said Thank You so much ma'am I'm just so worried about my daughter especially since she's my only child, the receptionist said it's not a problem sir, I then walked outside with the surgery team pushing the gurney right behind me, Once outside the surgeon team which consisted of two Male Hellhounds a female Imp and a female Succubus loaded Loona onto the gurney and then they raced off to save her life.

Once Loona had been admitted into the Emergency Room Millie Moxx and I went to the waiting room and once there I called my wife husband Octavia Loona's spouses as well Mom and Dad and Charlie and Vaggie, I felt horrible that I couldn't protect my little girl from getting shot but I will help her get through this, you can God Damn Believe it.

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