Chapter Twenty Four Mum and Pup Reunited pt 2

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March 18th

(Loona Buckzo Goetia Mayday) As soon as dad parked the van in the driveway of the mansion I threw open the door to the backseat and I ran up to the front door and I threw it open, Once inside I immediately scooped up my baby girl into my arms and I began peppering her face with kisses, I honestly don't give a fuck if anyone else sees me like this because it's nobody's business except mine.

Once I satisfied with the amount of kisses I had placed on Melinda's face I said hello my little pup momma's home! Did you miss me princess? Melinda said I really missed you momma, hearing my little girl say this made me feel very happy, I looked up from my daughter in my arms and I locked eyes with my aunts.

I stood up from the floor and I said thank you so much for watching over Melinda while we were on vacation Aunt Charlie and Aunt Vaggie I hope that Melinda was very well behaved while under your care! Aunt Charlie said Oh Melinda was a perfect angel and both Vaggie and I really enjoyed watching her right Vaggie? Aunt Vaggie continued by saying yes Melinda was an absolute sweetheart Loona!

I'm so glad that Melinda was a great while under both of your care Aunties, Aunt Charlie said Well it's time for us to leave Vaggie she said as she lifted her suitcase to which Aunt Vaggie lifted her suitcase as well, I then said You don't have to leave especially before dinner guys! Aunt Charlie said Vaggie and I don't want to impose on you guys.

Nonsense Aunt Charlie why don't you and Aunt Vaggie go into the living room and relax a little bit while I make dinner and so Aunt Charlie and Aunt Vaggie went into the living room while I headed for the kitchen, Momma can I go into the living room with Auntie Charlie and Vaggie? Sure you can kiddo and I then placed Melinda back onto the floor and she ran out of the kitchen.

Mom walked into the kitchen behind me and she asked is there anything I can do to help Loones? I said if you want to you can start chopping up the vegetables for the stir fry mom, Mom then started to chop up the veggies and then add them into the stir fry, while mom worked on the vegetables I began throwing spices into the mix.

I know that Aunt Charlie and Aunt Vaggie don't like a lot of spicy ingredients so I went for the mild spices that we had in the pantry and after a half hour I finally had dinner ready, I then carried the main dish while mom carried the salad and dessert, I am incredibly grateful that Aunt Vaggie and Charlie were able to babysit my pup.

Once in the dinning room I said I hope that you are hungry because dinner is served, We all had a great time as a family until it was time for Aunt Charlie and Vaggie had to leave.

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