Chapter Sixty Three Sleepover at the Morningstar Castle

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April 30th

(Melinda Goetia Mayday) After dinner Mordecai and I went into living room to watch some television and I don't know why but every time I'm around my cousin I get butterflies in my stomach, I don't know what this feeling really is, I hope that I'm not getting sick with a cold.

Anyways we found a cartoon on the television and we both got so engrossed into the show that we lost track of time, Grandma came out to join us in watching tv, I turned around and I said Hi Nanny! How're you? Nanny said Hi sweetie and to answer your question I'm doing good I just got done doing some last minute paperwork, I said with curiosity in my voice but you're always working on paperwork Nanny!

Nanny chuckled and she said well paperwork is part of my role as queen of Hell and one day your aunty Charlie will take mine and granddads position and since it's a very stressful job I'm fairly certain that she will ask Vaggie and your mom to help her rule Hell, your mom and aunties are an inseparable pair, Which in turn would make you the next in line to the throne after your Cousin Mordecai.

Wow that sounds like it a lot of work to run Hell nanny! Nanny said oh it really is a lot of work but in the end it's all worth it because with two or three fair and malevolent rulers Hell can be ruled successfully without to much trouble, Nanny then said you have several other aunts and uncles that you haven't met yet, but hopefully when your mommy is finished recovering from her injuries she can introduce you to them, Well enough about that How have you been doing since your mommy got hurt?

I have been having a hard time getting used to the idea that mommy won't be coming home any time soon nanny, it just isn't fair that my mommy had to get hurt from grandpas mistake! Nanny said I know that you feel furious at your grandpa for not doing more to protect your mommy, but you have to understand that some-times in certain lines of work it can be dangerous for employees, The field of assassinations is no different.

Nanny then took me into her arms and she said let me tell you a story hon, Long Long Ago when humanity began there was the first man and woman to exist and their names were Adam and Lilith, Anyways Adam wanted Lilith to be subservient to him and she didn't want to be subservient to anyone but herself and so she ran out of the garden of creation, She ran until she was far away from the garden where she remained until an angel came down from Heaven to see how the world was doing.

As nanny told me the story of Adam and Lilith I began to fall asleep in her arms and I just listened to her soft heartbeat, (Lilith Morningstar) Before I could continue my explanation I heard Melinda's gentle snores coming from my bosom and I decided to save the rest of my origin story until another time.

Sweet Dreams Princess we all love you I said as I kissed her forehead.

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