Chapter Thirty Three Finding Out and a letter

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March 29th

(Anna Newhouse) As I was walking to my political science class I heard an announcement come over the P.A. Anna Newhouse please come to the office thank you, I then turned around and walked into the direction of the office, upon arriving at the office I reported to the office secretary Mrs. Jane Narris who normally had a very stern demeanor had a very sad look on her face.

I then said Hi Mrs Narris I'm here to see President Narris! To which Mrs Narris said with a sad expression on her face he's in his office and I'm terribly sorry to say that this meeting's not going to be a happy one dear, I then walked to President Narris's office and once I arrived I knocked on the door and a minute later I heard come in, and so I walked inside the office.

Once inside the office I was greeted with a Good day Anna thanks for coming on such short notice, To which I replied it's no problem President Narris and he said please do take a seat, and so I walked over to an empty chair and I sat down in front of the president of the college.

President Narris stood up from his desk and he said I'm so very sorry to inform you that your parents have been killed in a deadly apartment fire, my whole world abruptly stopped and I said in utter shock what do you mean that my parents are dead! And what about my little brother James was he hurt in the fire?

President Narris then continued by saying your brother James is alive and he was adopted by a nice family from outside of Dallas, I felt extremely numb about all of this information regarding my family, I then asked Will I get to see him? President Narris then said the nice young couple left you a letter and a phone number to call them to meet up and discuss everything.

I then took the letter and the pad of paper that had the couple's phone number and as I looked at the paper and letter I began to shake uncontrollably with grief and confusion about the turn of events, President Narris then said Jane and I have personally gotten in touch with each of your professors and they all are going to give you three weeks off of classes while you are processing and deciding on what to do going forward, I then said with a quivering voice thank you so much.

I then stood up and I then walked out of the office and I headed back to my dorm room, after a twenty minute trek across campus I finally arrived at the building complex where my dorm room is, I grabbed my dorm room key from my pocket and I then unlocked the door before I went inside the dorm, once inside I collapsed onto my bed and I began to let my tears flow down my face, When my roommates and girlfriends Angela Rosewater, Gabriella Foster, and Anya Woo, got back from each of their last classes of the day I informed them all that I learned today.

My three amazing girlfriends comforted me and they all promised to stay by my side forever as my romantic partners and they will help James and I get through this as much as they can.

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