Chapter Fifty Two The Long Road Begins pt 1

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April 18th

(Lilith Morningstar) Once we were allowed to visit Loona when she placed in a recovery room to rest her body so she's ready to start physical therapy on Monday, I was chosen to be the one to be there for Loona when she wakes up, I sat in a chair next to the bed when I heard the sound of Loona whimpering in pain.

I quickly got up out of the chair and I sat on the edge of the bed and I spoke softly to Loona saying Loona darling please try to relax or you may end up injuring yourself further, Loona responded back in a panic I can't fully more Grandma why can't I fully move? Loona what I'm about to tell you I need you to promise to not panic! Can you do that for me sweetheart? Loona nodded her head.

During your last mission you got shot and the bullet nicked an artery just below your heart and the bullet ricocheted through your body until it exited out of your back through your two most lowest lumbar spinal plates and it shattered them into pieces, Loona became to cry hysterically said I'm going to be paralyzed for the rest of my life, My heart broke just seeing my oldest grandchild cry and hyperventilate with hysteria.

Shh shh calm down dear Dr. Russet reassured all of us that you won't be paralyzed for the rest of your life, but in order for you to heal over the course of the next eight months to a year you will need to take and complete physical therapy, But you won't be alone during this upcoming difficult journey of recovery we will all be here to help you as much as we can.

Loona then asked the question that I had ready to answer for quite a while Does Melinda know what happened to me? No sweetie your grandpa took her back to our castle since your dad has insisted on remaining here with you until you can be released, I'm truly sorry that this happened to you hun I really am.

Loona mumbled under her breath how can you still love me with my current condition? I stood up and I walked over to her side and smack her side with my hand, I then gently pulled Loona's head up so she was looking at me, Loona I want you to know that even with everything that has happened I will never stop loving you.

I remember the very first time I met you it was a bright and sunny summer day when I met you, Charlie and your dad came to visit your grandfather and I for a long weekend and that's where I first met you, I instantly took you into my arms and when looked at me with beautiful eyes I fell in love with you, I made a promise to try to always be there for you if you needed anything, And I intend on keeping my promise to you.

We all love you and we all will try to help you recover as best as we can but you are going to have to put in the effort to cooperate with your physical therapist and occupational therapist sweetie, but for the time being please try to get some rest hon, I will be here when you wake up in the morning, Good night princess I love you so very very much I then placed a kiss on her forehead, Loona said as she started to drift off to sleep good night grandma I love you too.

Next thing I know Loona was out like a light and I then made myself comfortable and I picked up my book and I started to read.

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