Chapter Thirteen Extermination Day Scare

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March 4th

(Millie Knowlastname) Today it's my responsibility to watch over Melinda at the office while Moxx Blitz and Loona are fulfilling a contract for a client, Melinda was on the floor playing with her toys while I sat at the desk doing some online shopping for new axes, While I was shopping for axes I didn't realize that Melinda had snuck out the front door of the office.

After minutes after I got done shopping for my new weapons the annual Extermination Day warning notification came across my hellphone which prompted me to get up and I said Melinda we need to hunker down here at the office until the Extermination Day is over! It was only then I looked down at the floor and I didn't see Melinda anywhere, what's worse that I saw that the front door to the office was wide open.

I thought to myself Fuck Loona's going to murder me I was about to go after Melinda when a portal opened into the office and out stepped Blitzo Loona and Moxxie, I stood by the desk nervously and I started to sweat profusely from being nervous, Loona walked over to the receptionist desk before she pulled out her phone, when she saw the warning notification she looked around the office and when she didn't see Melinda anywhere she walked over to me.

Loona looked at me with her crimson eyes and she growled at me before she picked me up by my shirt and she pinned me to the wall before she spoke, Loona then asked with an edge to her voice Millie where the fuck is my daughter and I gulped and I whispered she escaped just before the warning was issued Loona.

Loona then threw me to the floor and she said I swear to Lucifer if anything happens to my daughter I'm going to fucking eat you Millie! Blitz then said we need to spread out and find Melinda ASAP People and so we all the ventured out into Imp City.

(Melinda) While Auntie Millie was busy shopping I decided to venture outside into the city on my own for the first time ever as I was exploring these loud sirens began to go off, The sirens spooked me so bad that ran until I tripped on the sidewalk and I fell to the ground, I crawled away as dozen upon dozens of Imp's were being put to sleep by what looked to be angels, I remember what mama said about angels and I was very scared.

I slowly began to back up into an empty alley and I attempted to hide and I thought I was safe until a feminine angelic voice said I'm going to check the alley over and see if there any stragglers Adam, I put on my wolf mask to hide my face, I remained behind the dumpster until it tossed across the alley, The angel looked at me and she said with a hint of sadness in her voice, you're a long way from your wolf mama little one.

As much as I don't want to end you little one my duty as an angelic exterminator commands it and for that I truly am sorry,I tried to run but all I did was run into the wall at the end of the alleyway and I crumbled to the ground, the impact of the collision caused my wolf mask to fall off my face, thus revealing my face to the angel.

I laid on the ground and I was awaiting for the fatal blow to come down but it never came down onto me, I looked up and I saw that the angel's spear was about a foot away from puncturing my heart interestingly the angel lowered her spear onto the ground next to me.

She then asked You're a human little one? I simply nodded my head and then she asked may I look at your injuries hunny? I simply nodded my head again since I was still in shock at the interesting turn of events.

A/N I'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger mwahaha see you all tomorrow.

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