Chapter Twenty Three Mum and Pup reunited pt 1

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March 16th

(Melinda Buckzo/Goetia) Mama is coming home today and I'm supes excited for her to come home, I am supes excited for her to get home today along with grandma and grandpa and papa though I am sad that Auntie Charlie and Auntie V are leaving as well, I have had a lot of fun with them while they have babysat me.

I'm currently playing with my toys in my room while Auntie Charlie and Auntie V are downstairs watching a romantic comedy movie and since they both wanted to have a little alone time together to watch the movie I thought it would be best if I gave them some space, Mommy Bee and Daddy Tex stopped by yesterday afternoon and we all went to the movies together, I stuck close to Mommy Bee while I was very shy around Daddy Tex.

The movies were great and I had a great time once the movies had gotten over Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Charlie and Auntie V and myself went out for dinner and once dinner was over mommy and daddy went back to Greed Ring though not before promising to come back and visit real soon, Anyways after an hour and a half of playing I was starting to get hungry so I went downstairs.

Once I had gotten downstairs I walked into the living room before I headed over to the couch I then asked Auntie Charlie I am hungry I was wondering if you could make me something please? Auntie Charlie then looked down at me and she said Okay princess I will go and get you something to eat in the meantime why don't you sit on the couch next to Vaggie! Auntie Charlie then lifted me up and then she placed me on the couch next to Auntie V.

I then laid my head on Auntie V's lap and I looked over at the tv and I began to watch the Romcom movie thankfully there wasn't much kissing in it, As I watched the movie I could feel tears running down my cheeks and I began to whimper, Auntie V looked down and she then wiped my tears away and she whispered breathe princess breathe!

I slowly began to calm down and once I had calmed down fully I then remained in one of my favorite aunties lap and I fell asleep in her embrace and I remained in her embrace until Auntie Charlie came in with my lunch, After I had eaten my lunch Auntie V took me upstairs to give me a bath so that I could be clean for when mama gets home, I was very well behaved while Auntie V bathed me.

Once I had gotten finished getting bathed by Auntie V she helped me get dressed for tonight, I'm bouncing up and down with excitement since Mama and the others are supposed to be coming home within the hour, An hour later the IMP mobile pulled into the driveway and a flash of grey fur jumped out of the van and she ran through the open doors and she hugged me tightly.

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