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We've been at the bar for an hour or so now. I make my way back over to harry. I was caught up in a conversation with a girl that came into the thrift shop a few days ago.

Harry pulls me into his lap. I see louis sitting on his phone but no Niall

"Where's Niall?"

"Why do you wanna know?" Louis squinted

"because your here and since you two are practically dating and all.." I feel Harry's snicking behind me

"Oh fuck off." He scoffed

"Ok so where is he?"

"he's sick." he rolled his eyes

"Sick Enough to not be at the bar?"

"Apparently." He gets up walking away

Next day.
Im at Harry's office eating lunch when louis strolls in "its so quiet I can get use to this"

Harry chuckled "I don't know I kinda miss the little guy.."

They both laugh

"Wait he's still sick? What's wrong?"

"Stomach bug or something..I don't know."

"Have either of you two checked on him?"

Louis rolled his eyes "do I look like his mommy?"

"He's your friend." I shake my head disbelief.

Sweetheart I kill people what part of me gives you the idea that I'm nurturing..." Louis deadpanned then stood up "well speaking of that I'm off to go kill people."

"Wait take me home I want to check on Niall"

Harry's hand squeezed my leg.
I turned to him he let go kissing my cheek. I followed Louis to his car

"I think you're all very nurturing. I've seen you all with dire kids."

"Just because I don't treat kids like shit doesn't mean shit."

"I get it you're a cold blooded killer blah blah blah."

Since when do you think you can talk to me like a little bitch? You use to be terrified of me."

I shrug.

"He's not a baby you don't need to coddle Niall"

"I'm just making sure he's not dying or dead."

"We couldn't be that lucky." Louis chuckled

I knock on Niall's door but nobody answered I open it "Niall it's lexy don't shoot" I laugh

"I'll be more worried if I'll barf on ya"

I walk over "Oh jeez please don't. You're not feeling any better?"

"No." he whined

"What's wrong?"

"My stomach."

"Anything else?"

"my head."

I sighed going into the bathroom to grab him medicine and then grabbing him water

"When did we get medicine?" He asked confused

"I bought it when we did the big shopping spree for the house. Figured it would come in handy."

"You're the best lex. Thanks" he takes the medicine.

The next day I go to the store grabbing Gatorade and stuff to make soup. Hoping maybe it will help Niall feel better.

I head back to the house and start making the soup. Nothing crazy just something light. While it's simmering  I head up stairs with more medicine.

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