Chapter 38 - Grand performance, egg laying in progress (puff puff)

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There were not many guests from outside, only about three to four hundred people.

Because it was only promoted for one morning, and today was a working day, most people couldn't spare the time to come and enjoy the performance, but even so, the number of people exceeded fans' expectations.

Mi opened the window and looked at the crowd of people from a distance.

Among these people, there are many rich people who are familiar to fans, and they are the kind of idle young masters. These people are sitting on the chairs without seriousness, discussing what surprises will be brought to them today.

It was still early, and the blue bird showed no signs of laying eggs. It would probably take a while, so he followed the prearranged plan. He gestured to the red fox from a distance, and the red fox received the He nodded, then winked, and turned around to work on the task assigned to him by the fan.

According to the original plan, the young couple and Xiaobai would fill in the blank period before the bluebird laid eggs. The young couple played musical instruments and Xiaobai danced.

In the past, Xiaobai danced without music and relied purely on his own feelings in all aspects. Now with a young couple playing music for Xiaobai, the level of surprise in the performance has skyrocketed.

The young couple plays many musical instruments. The two of them grew up learning various musical instruments. The restaurant they were in was not an ordinary restaurant. It was the most famous restaurant in Fengxi City. The unlucky young couple was also angry because they were angry with each other, so they couldn't live there. Otherwise, with their talents... they wouldn't have any worries wherever they go.

At this moment, Xiaobai, dressed in red, danced on the stage, his whole body dancing to the melody of the music. Chu Fu and Zhong Liqin were dressed in matching white ‍‍‎‎‎‎‍‌‌‍love‍‌‎‍‌couple clothes, and one played the flute. As they played the piano, the wind blew their sleeves and hair, and the audience enjoyed unprecedented visual and auditory enjoyment.

Xiaobai's dance was choreographed by himself, and every move was full of beauty, elegant, wanton, gentle... It blended all kinds of things, making him seem to shine on the stage.

This kind of scene made people who were originally idle slowly sit up straight.

This kind of performance is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away. Everyone seems to have forgotten what they came to see. Now they are completely immersed in the performance in front of them.

They had prepared enough dance music, so the fan walked up to Blue Bird with confidence and gave him a good tidy up.

As the real protagonist of this performance, the fan dressed up Blue Bird very attractively. She was dressed in white gauze, covering her fair body. Her pink breasts and head were looming, and her round belly was under the white gauze. There is a perfect arc, and two thin white legs are exposed straight...

But the blue bird's two big arms and wings drooped down, successfully blocking his belly and part of the alluring scenery. I can only say... this added to his charm.

The fan is very satisfied with this white gauze. He thinks that this kind of white gauze, red gauze, black gauze... all kinds of gauze are simple but magical clothes that can arouse the desire of countless people.

Loved it.

Now Bluebird kept touching his belly, looking a little nervous.

"How's it going?" Fan asked, "Do you feel anything now?"

"Yes." Blue Bird's ‎‍‍‎‎‌‎‌‍‎holes began to shrink involuntarily. Although he had laid eggs several times before, it only happened twice a year after all. It hurt, but it still felt good. He had long forgotten what it felt like, but he vaguely remembered how uncomfortable it was. He still remembered that there seemed to be three eggs last time, and this time... Bluebird touched his belly. There were definitely more than three.

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