Chapter 1

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"Well, it's time for me to call it a day and head to the house. But I'm leaving you in the good hands of handsome Scott Hoying. But I'll be back tomorrow morning at 10 bringing you the music that you love to hear. So I'm leaving you with a little Beyonce to start off your afternoon. This is your girl Kirstie saying See Ya." Kirstie ends her set at WENK radio.

She looks over at Scott leaning in the doorway waiting patiently. 

"It's your turn Sweetie." She says taking off her headphones.

"Got big plans for tonight?" Scott ask sitting down picking up the headphones.

"Oh yeah, take out Chinese, and a bubble bath with my name written all over it." She laughs. Waving at station manager Mitch Grassi before heading out into the cold gray New York weather.

She gets a cab pretty quickly and heads off into the heavy traffic. The cabbie makes small talk, all of them are pretty familiar with who she is.

"They're still working on the bridge so looks like we have to take another detour into lovely Skid Row." The cabbie tells her.

Skid Row was so depressing for her. It's where all the homeless people ended up for some reason. They've had to take this detour for two weeks now. She catches herself looking for certain homeless people that she has been seeing through out the two weeks. 

There were two in particular. A big black guy with a friendly looking face and a smaller guy with long dark hair and a beard. She thought he would be really handsome if he were cleaned up.

Then she spotted them. The black guy was sitting on the sidewalk leaning against a building. He was wearing a worn out baseball cap, a light jacket that had a few snags in it, ripped up jeans and worn out tennis shoes that had holes in the bottom of them.

The smaller guy was lying beside him on the sidewalk. She couldn't see how he was dressed because he was covered with an old garbage bag trying to block the wind. She could see his bare feet pressed against the other guy's leg trying to keep them warm.

Her heart broke when she saw them. What was their story? Why were they living on Skid Row?

Before she knew what she was doing, she told the cab driver to pull over and let her out.

"Miss, I don't think that's a very good idea. Skid Row ain't the best place for a lady like you." the driver warned.

"I'll be fine. I just need to talk to someone. You don't have to wait, I'll catch another cab when I'm done." She pays him then gets out of the cab.

She slowly walks up to the two men. The bigger guy looks up and smiles sweetly, "Good afternoon Miss, this ain't the safest place for a pretty lady like you."

"Oh, I'll be alright, My name is Kirstie." She says squatting down.

"Kevin" He said politely reaching out a wind chapped hand. She smiled and shook his hand. 'He's really sweet' she thought.

The man under the garbage bag began to stir. He peeked out from under the bag at her.

The first thing she noticed was his eyes. Beautiful green eyes.

"And you are?" She ask with a smile holding out her hand.

He looked at her hand then back at her but never moved.

Kevin looked over at him and chuckled. He reached down and patted the guy on his leg.

"This here is the one and only Patches."


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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