Chapter 47

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It was moving day. Scott and Mitch had came over and helped them get everything packed up. Kirstie had rented a moving van. So with Kevin and Scott doing the heavy lifting they soon had everything loaded and ready to go.

Kirstie had already broke the news to Mitch that she was quitting. He didn't like it too well but he understood. She did agree to fill in if he was ever short handed, once she got her a car.

They arrived at the new house and began to unload everything. That was the first time Patches had been to the new house. He was running room to room checking it all out. Kirstie had to get on to him a couple of time for screaming. He liked the echo of the empty house. She had already told him 'NO RUNNING ON THE STAIRS!".

After he was done exploring, Mitch got him to help carry some boxes in. Kirstie would tell him where to set it and not to drop the box. After he would set the box down, he would turn and run back outside to Mitch.

"Mo (meaning- more)" Patches would say holding out his arms.

"I wish I had your energy." Mitch laughed.

"Mo. M..Mit." Patches said.

"Alright, bossy." Mitch said handing him a box.

After they got everything unloaded, Scott was helping Kevin put the beds together while Mitch was helping Kirstie unpack in the kitchen.

Kirstie felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turns around to see Patches holding a toy truck.

"Pay y..yar." He said with a nod.

"O.K., but you stay where I can see you from this window." She tells him.

He smiles and nods.

She opens the door leading from the kitchen to the laundry room and then the door from the laundry room to the back porch. She then unlatches the screen door. She pushes the screen door open for him. "Stay where I can see you." He nods again.

She goes back into the kitchen and looks out the window. She smiles as she watches him crawl around on his hands and knees pushing his truck on the ground.

Mitch leaned on the sink beside her looking out the window. "You need to get him a tire swing and hang it from that big tree there in the yard."

"Oh, he would love that, wouldn't he."Kirstie smiled.

"Who doesn't love a tire swing. I would play on it." Mitch chuckled. "Scott could push me."

Kirstie giggled and rolled her eyes. She glanced back out the window and noticed Patches had sat up, staring at something out of her view.

"What is he looking at?" She asked, mainly to herself.

He slowly gets to his feet then runs toward the screen door.

"AAHHHHH!!" He screams as he opens the screen door and runs in.

"Honey, what is it??" She ask as she meets him in the laundry room.

"WAT!!  W...WAT!!" He yells pointing outside.

"Rat? Is that what your saying?" She ask.

"Wat." He nods.

"Show me the rat. We don't want any rats around here." Kirstie says as Patches takes her hand and leads her outside, followed by Mitch.

His eyes darts around the yard looking for the rat he saw. Kirstie and Mitch were also looking around.

"W...Wat!" He says hitting Kirstie on the arm. She looks around to see him pointing at the tree.

She smiles. "Sweetie, that's not a rat. That's a squirrel. They won't hurt you but still, don't try to catch one."

He nods and smiles as he watches the squirrel jump from limb to limb. He giggles and waves at the squirrel as it disappears in a hole in the tree.

"Bye  c..c..curl." He says softly.


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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