Chapter 62

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** Yesterday I had ask what story you would like to have updated today. The results were:
      * PATCHES - 4
      * CRAZY LIFE - 3
      * SILENT - 2
      * LIVE AGAIN - 1

* Congrats to stasilou, Sarcasm-is-life, dladrido and Monster_Mama this Update is for YOU!!!


Kirstie had laid down to take a nap after their playtime in the snow. She had only been laying down for about 45 minutes, when Patches was shaking her arm.

"K..K..KIT!!" He shouted.

"Patches!, Baby, don't yell. What's wrong? I'm trying to take a nap." She said rubbing her eyes.

"K..Keb." He said, pouting with tears rolling down his face.

"Honey, why are you crying? Did he get on to you for something?" She asked, wiping his tear and noticing his cheeks were cold. "Have you been back outside?"

Patches put his hand over her mouth to hush her up so he could talk.

"K..KEB BEAD  K..K..KIT!!" He yelled at her.

"Bleed?" She asked after removing his hand.

He nodded and ran out the bedroom door. She jumped out of bed to follow him.

He ran out the opened front door without even a coat on.

"PATCHES!!" She yelled but he was already out the door.

She grabbed her coat and looked out the door to see Kevin laying on the sidewalk. Patches was knelt down beside his crying.

"OH MY GOD!! KEVIN!!" She screamed as she ran outside into the snow.

She knelt down in the snow beside Patches. She could see blood in the snow.

"Kevin." She said softly but didn't get a response. "Honey, what happened?" She asked Patches while she looked at Kevin's head.

"Pel." He said taking Kevin by the hand.

"He fell?" She asked. Patches nodded.

"Sweetie, run in the house and get my phone on the table and bring it to me." She said, trying to stay calm.

"Bone." Patches nods and runs inside.

"Kevin? Hey, big guy? Do you hear me?" She asked rubbing him on the head.

Patches came running out of the house with her phone.

She quickly calls 911. 

"Sweetie, listen to me." Kirstie turns to Little Bits. "I want you to run inside, put on your big coat and beanie, Okay? And bring me a blanket for Kevin. Understand?" 

Patches nods and runs to the house. A few minutes later he comes out wearing his coat and his beanie placed sloppily on his head, carrying a big blanket.

"Thank you, Angel." Kirstie said, taking the blanket and wrapping it around Kevin.

After what seemed like forever, Kirstie finally here's the siren in the distance.

Patches covers his ears as the ambulance gets closer. Kirstie was leaning over Kevin talking to him, telling him everything was gonna be alright.

The paramedics jumped out of the ambulance and ran to evaluate the injuries.

Kirstie went to start her car to let it be warming up. She called Scott and Mitch and told them what she thought might have happened.

It looked as if Kevin had gone outside to shovel the snow from the sidewalk. Apparently he had slipped on some ice and fell. Patches had been watching from inside the house. He ran outside when he saw Kevin fall. When he couldn't get Kevin to talk to him and he saw the blood, he came and got her.

Scott and Mitch told her they would meet her at the hospital. 


Kirstie, Patches, Scott and Mitch sat in the waiting room, waiting to hear any kind of news about their friend. Kirstie cried and Patches pouted. Scott and Mitch did their best to keep Kirstie calm. Mitch had one arm around her while he held her hand. Scott had his arm around Patches trying to keep him calm and quiet.

"Sot. K..Keb bead." Patches said, looking up at the blond with his sad green eyes.

"I know Pumpkin. But he will be fine." Scott smiled and straightened the smaller man's crooked beanie.

"Family and friends of Kevin Olusola?" A doctor asked as he came into the waiting room.

"That's us." Kirstie said, hurrying over to the doctor.

"Besides a bad headache, a few stitches and a bruised tail bone, Mr. Olusola will be just fine. He did have a minor concussion. But it's nothing to really worry about but we would like to keep him overnight just for observations. Which is pretty normal for any head injury." The doctor smiled. "You can go see him now. He's in room 411."

"Thank- you, Doctor." Kirstie smiled, then turned and pulled Little Bits into a hug.

"Keb's gonna be O.K." She whispers to him softly.



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