Chapter 76

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Kirstie went to Kevin's room and lightly tapped on the door.

"Yea." He answered.

She opened the door and peaked in. He was stretched out on the bed reading one of the books that she had gotten him for Christmas.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked.

"Sure." He answered taking off his glasses and laying them and the book aside. "What about? Where's Patch?"

"He's taking a shower. Uh, and it's about Patches." She said, sitting down on Patches's bed, smiling as she picks up 'Dag', hugging it to her chest.

"Alright. Sounds serious." He said, sitting up to give her his full attention.

"Patch and I were talking last night. He told me that he sees things that Patches does, even though he's not here. He knew that Little Bits picked me flowers yesterday. So it got him to wondering if maybe Patches could see what he was doing when he's here. Like you know, our special moments alone together." She said, with raised eye brows.

"Wow, that would not be good." Kevin said as he rubbed his forehead.

"But Patches hasn't said anything. And he's only mentioned Patch one time. He saw him in that picture you took at Christmas and he said it wasn't him, it was Pat." Kirstie said, resting her chin on Dag.

"Well, that's a good thing, I guess. Maybe it's that Patches's mind is, I don't want to say not smart enough, but maybe it's too young to really know what's going on between you and Patch. You two have been in a loving relationship for months now, and Little Bits hasn't said a word. So I wouldn't worry until he gives you a reason to worry." Kevin said with a smile.

"I guess your right." She said letting out a heavy breath. "I guess I'm just a little paranoid. Thanks, Kev." She bends down and gives him a hug.

"Anytime." Kevin smiled picking up his glasses and his book.

They both freeze when they hear giggling coming up the hallway and the sound of running feet.

They look at the door just as a very wet Patches comes running in giggling. 

"Wain." He giggles. (rain)

Water was dripping from his beard and long locks. His boxers was not only stuck to his wet body but also backwards.

Kirstie covered her eyes and shook her head and sighed, while Kevin burst into laughter.

"K..Kit, wain." He said, trying to wipe the water that was dripping in his eyes.

"Uh, I'll go get a towel." Kevin laughed as he stood up from the bed and walked passed Kirstie.

Kirstie looked at the adorable man-child in front of her.

He smiled sweetly as he shivered.

Kevin came back and draped a towel around Little Bit's shoulders as he towel dried his hair with another one.

Kirstie lays a pair of dry boxers on the bed and goes to the closet to get him some clothes.

"Patches, you're going to be the death of me yet." Kevin chuckled as he tried to peel the wet boxers off.

Patches grabs Kevin by the face and looks at him with sad eyes. "Naa Keb." He shook his head. "Naa... duh.. die, Keb." He pouted. "P..Peez." ( No Kev. No don't die Kev. Please)



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