Chapter 31

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**First of all, I would like to say THANK-YOU to each and everyone of you for the 7000+ reads of PATCHES!!!!

You guys are so AMAZING!! Thank you for the reads, votes and all your supporting comments. I love you all and Patches sends out sloppy kisses to each of you.  :)


Kirstie woke up not feeling well so she called Mitch. He told her to keep her and her sickness at home. He didn't want her coming to the station contaminating everything, spreading her disease around. He was such a sweet and caring boss.

She laid down on the couch and covered herself with a blanket. She was just about to doze off when she heard shuffling feet coming into the living room.

She opened her eyes to see a messy haired Patches sitting down on the floor. He hadn't even noticed she was there. He picks up his headphones, putting them on his head. Then he reaches for the little radio and presses the button Kirstie had showed him to turn it on.

Kirstie giggled lightly watching him nod his head to the music. He stopped to listen. He whined, jerking off the headphones and throwing them in the floor. It was not pretty Kirstie but some guy named Alex. He pouted looking at the radio. "Naaa K...K..Kit" He said quietly.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart?" She whispered

He jumped not knowing anyone was there. "Ki..Kit." He smiled, jumping up running to the couch trying to lay down with her.

"Wait a minute Honey. Kirstie is sick so you don't need to be getting too close." She says stopping him.

He sits down in the floor next to the couch with a 'huff'. Leaning over laying his head down on the couch next to her.

She smiles running a hand through his wild hair.

"What are you still doing here?" Kevin says, yawning and stretching.

"I wasn't feeling good this morning so I called in. Probably the pizza from last night." She said.

"Huh, me and Patches ate the same pizzas and we aren't sick. You sure you're know." Kevin said reaching down ruffling Little Bit's hair.

"Well that thought did cross my mind." She said giving Kevin a worried look.

Kevin sighed. "Kirstie, you knew the chances you were taking. Do you want me to run down the street to the store and get you a pregnancy test?"

"Could you?" She ask.

"Yea sure, might be a little embarrassing but I will. Just let me go get dressed." He smiles turning around and heads to his room.

"Patches can you hand me my purse?" She ask pointing.

He gets up and gets her purse bringing it back to her then kneels down near the couch. She opens up her purse and he tries to look inside.

"You and that wild hair of your's." She chuckles brushing his hair back so she could see.

"M..m...m... Muh?" He ask holding up his hand.

"You want money?" She ask surprised.

He nods and holds up his hand again.

She laughs shaking her head. She takes out two $20 bills.

"Here, go see if Kevin will let you go to the store with him. Give one to Kevin and the other one you can have to buy you something." She said smiling at the excitement in his eyes.

He nods and snatches the money. He starts to give her a kiss on the lips but remembered that she said she was sick so instead he gives her a sloppy kiss on the forehead.

He runs to the bedroom where Kevin was getting dressed. He hands Kevin a twenty.

"Thanks, Little Bits." He said sticking the money in his pocket. He then notices another twenty in Patches's hand. "Where did you get that?"

Patches held up the twenty then pointed to himself. The first thing Kevin thought was that he slipped it out of Kirstie's purse. "Did you take this from Kirstie?"

Patches nods then shakes his head. Confused by the question. (he did take it from her hand but didn't steal it)

"Kirstie? Did you give Little Bits some money?" Kevin shouted.

"Yea, I thought if it were alright with you, he could go with you. I gave him $20 to buy him something." She answers back.

"Oh, yea that's fine. He can go. I'll get him dressed." Kevin calls back. He turns around to meet Patches's glare.

"Sorry, O.K.? But it's not everyday I see you with twenty bucks in your hand." Kevin said.

"   m...m...muh!" Patches says clutching the money to his chest.


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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