Chapter 15

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In this chapter, Kevin explains a little about Patches's life.

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A little while later, Patches laid down in the floor and in no time at all he was sound asleep.

"Now that he's asleep, can we talk?" Kirstie ask Kevin.

"Sure. What about?" Kevi said turning down the T.V. and giving Kirstie his full attention.

"Him." She said pointing at Patches. "Just what can you tell me about this mystery man?"

"Well, you better get comfortable. This might take a while." Kevin smiled. "Well as you already know, he was born on the streets. His mother was a crackhead/prostitute. She would have sex with men for drugs. Well she ended up getting pregnant by God only knows who.

She continued doing drugs during her entire pregnancy. She gave birth and threw the baby in a dumpster. Old Charlie heard the baby crying and got him out. It was a miracle he even survived."

"Wait a minute, you said he was crying? So can he talk?" Kirstie ask.

"No, he can not talk but he can make sounds. He just doesn't do it too often. He had gotten really sick once and Charlie carried him to the clinic. They found out that his vocal cords were not fully developed probably due to his mother's drug use while she was pregnant with him."

"What happened to her?" Kirstie asked.

"They found her a couple of months after she gave birth in the alley, dead from an overdose. But I've heard him groan, whine, grunt. You know noises like that. Like tonight when he got mad at you and you thought he huffed at you. It was more of a soft grunt.

Old Charlie was the one who started calling him Patches. And the name just stuck. Technically that man laying there doesn't exist. No birth certificate, no Social Security number, no nothing. Anyway, Charlie use to wear a beanie all the time and when he started getting really sick, I guess he knew he was fixing to die so he gave the beanie to Patches. Charlie was the only father that he ever knew.

So Charlie got sick and really couldn't watch after him any more, he was pretty much on his own. That's when the newer homeless guys started stealing almost everything he had. Shoes, coat etc.

They would even beat him up just for the fun of it. And to prove to him that he was nothing but trash on the street.

I started to tell you something the other day but he stopped me. (Kirstie nodded) But I think you should know. Kirstie, he's been raped. Several times. Probably because he was an easy target for them to get their thrills. Plus he couldn't scream for help or tell anyone.

Then when my luck turned bad and I became homeless I met Patches and things between us just clicked. I gained his trust. I took him up under my wing, you might say. I took care of him, as much as I could anyway.

Then I got arrested for shoplifting and now I'm having to do this Community Service crap. I can't be with him 24/7 anymore.

I've come back a few times and he would be covered with bruises. Since I've known him, he's been raped once and that was while I was gone doing service. I love him too death. He's like a baby brother to me.

You know truthfully, I really think he has a split personality."

"Why do you say that?" Kirstie ask wiping the tears that were streaming down her face.

"If you're around him enough you'll start noticing it. Sometimes when you're talking to him, his eyes are wide and full of excitement. Like a child. Other times, they are different. I don't know how to explain it. They are the eyes  of a man. But watch his eyes. It's all in his eyes."

"That's so sad." Kirstie said sniffling and drying her eyes. "Well, it's getting late and I know you are ready to try out that bed."

"I am sooo ready." Kevin chuckles.

He bends down and scoops Patches up in his arms bridle style and carries him to the bedroom. Kirstie turns down the covers and Kevin lays him down. She pulls the covers up around his shoulders. Brushing his hair out of his face, kissing him on the forehead.

"Good night, Sweetie. Sweet dreams, you deserve them" She whispers. She turns around and kisses Kevin on the cheek. "Good night, Kevin."

"Good night, Kirstie, and thanks for everything." He said.

"No problem." She says shutting the door.

She goes back to her bedroom and gets ready for bed. What Kevin had told her was going over and over again in her mind.

 Three things stood out more than the others. First, the fact that his crackhead mother throwing him away in the dumpster like trash. Second, the fact that he had been raped and beaten several times by men that he had to see everyday. And third, was the idea that Kevin had of Patches having a split personality. He said watch his eyes. She was definitely gonna have to start paying closer attention. 

She wipes a tear, she didn't even realize that she was crying. She rolled over to get comfortable. She had the next two days off to spend with these two. It was definitely going to be interesting.



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