Chapter 60

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"Well, aren't you looking very sexy." Kirstie smiles as Patch gets ready for their date.

He is wearing black jeans, a black buttoned up shirt and a beautiful black leather jacket. He was tying his hair back into a man bun.

"You're beautiful." He signs as he eyes her up and down.

"Thank you." She smiles. "Even with this belly?"

"Even with the belly. You have a glow." He signs. Some of the words, he has to stop and think about but he's catching on extremely fast in this way of talking.

"I love you." She said, kissing him softly and sliding her arms around his waist.

"I love you too. Are you ready to go?" He asked her.

"Yep, I'm starving." She giggles as he nods.


They arrive at the restaurant and the waitress seats them at a booth.

"What could I get you to drink, Sir?" She asked with a smile.

"Sweet tea." He tells Kirstie.

"We'll take a sweet tea and a water with lemon." Kirstie tells the waitress. She nods and leaves to get their drinks.

Patch looks over the menu. He can only look at the pictures.

Soon the waitress comes back with their drinks. "Are y'all ready to order?" She asked.

"Yes, I believe so." Kirstie said as she tells the girl what she wants.

"And you , sir." She asked turning to Patch.

He looks up at the waitress then back down at the menu. He points to the picture of a steak.

"So you want the rib-eye? And how would you like that cooked?" She asked.

Patch gives Kirstie a confused look. "What does she mean?"

"Medium well is fine." Kirstie answers for him.

"And what would you like with that?" The waitress asked.

Kirstie rolls her eyes slightly knowing all these questions was causing Patch to feel uncomfortable. She noticed he was beginning to pull lightly at his beard as he stared down at the menu. A sign that he was beginning to get nervous.

"A bake potato?" Kirstie suggested. He nods without looking up from the menu.

"A bake potato with sour cream and butter."  Kirstie answered.

"And what kind of dressing for your salads." Kirstie knew the young waitress was only doing her job but with every question she asked, Patch seemed to slump just a little more.

"Ranch on both." She answered handing the girl the menus.

After the waitress leaves, Kirstie reaches and takes Patch by the chin, lifting his head. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"All those questions made me feel so stupid. I didn't know how to answer them." He signed looking at her with sad eyes.

"Honey, we've told you before. There is a difference between being stupid and not being shown. You've never ordered food before so how were you suppose to know the answers to her questions. How were you suppose to know there were different ways to cook steak. And when we have salad at home, Kevin or I always go ahead and put the dressing on it. Don't be sad, Sweetie. You are a very smart man. You've learned to play the guitar. And you're sitting here talking to me." She leans over giving him a kiss.

After they ate, they went to the movie theater.

Patch sat and watched the movie with wide eyes. That was the biggest television he had ever seen and the sound was coming from all around him.

Kirstie held his hand and smiled as she watched him experienced a movie theater for the first time. His eyes darted around, trying not to miss a thing. The smile on his face was priceless.

The theater had a children's matinee on Saturdays, when they showed movies like 'Toy Story', 'Despicable Me' or Disney movies like 'Aristocats' or 'Fox and The Hound'.  She would love to bring Patches. But the other kids would probably stare or make fun of his childish ways.

When the lights came on, people started to get up to leave.

Patch looked at her with a huge smile on his face. "Can we come back sometime?"

"Of course, Sweetheart. We can come back any time you want." She said, kissing him on the cheek.

"I love this." He said as he looked at the screen smiling.



(((( AVI & TIM ))))

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