Chapter 12

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Sometimes in this story I slip up and call Patches- Avi. If you notice it please bring it to my attention. And I will change it. In this story the only name he has ever had is Patches. He was never named.



"O.K., Get in." Kevin says.

Patches steps over into the tub but he begins to panic and won't sit down.

"You have to sit down Patches." Kevin says pulling gently on his arms in an attempt to get him to sit down.

Patches shakes his head no and tries to get out of the tub splashing water on the floor.

"No, no, no. Patch. Sit down!" Kevin says trying to get Patches back in the tub.

Kirstie was sitting in the living room laughing at the two so hard she couldn't breath.

Kevin finally pulled on Patches hard enough to force him to sit down. He sat down hard causing him to frown at Kevin.

Kevin was already exhausted and he hadn't even got started good yet. The fun part was gonna be washing his nappy hair.

"Patches, you are gonna have to stay put, O.K.? The water is not gonna hurt you. Look, this is a bath cloth and this is soap." He begins to lather up the cloth. "O.K., give me your arm." Patches slowly raises his arm. Kevin lathers up his arm. "See it doesn't hurt at all. Now here's the bath cloth. You wash up, O.K.? Wash your neck, chest, legs, everything. I'll help you with your back. Scrub real hard."

Patches takes the cloth and starts doing as he was told. 

Kevin leans back and laughs, "This ain't so bad." He takes the cloth from Patches and scrubs his back. Years of dirt washed away.

"Now, let's get started on that hair. This is gonna be a job." Kevin says taking down the shower head sprayer. "First, I'm gonna wet your hair down using this sprayer. See, it doesn't hurt."

Patches holds his hand under the sprayer. It was almost like rain. The part with the sprayer went pretty smooth.

"Now, I'm gonna put some shampoo in your hair and wash it." Kevin explained each step he was doing.

Kevin put the shampoo in his hair and was really scrubbing to get all the dirt out. Patches was actually enjoying that part. It was soothing. He played around with some of the suds in the tub.

"Almost done, just got to wash this out. Then we'll need to do the same thing with some conditioner so your hair won't be so tangled."

As Kevin's luck would have it, as he was washing the shampoo out some of it made it's way into Patches's eyes.

He gasp and grabbed for his eyes.They were burning so bad. He started trying to get up. Water was splashing everywhere.

"WAIT! PATCH! WAIT! I'LL GET IT! SIT DOWN!" Kevin shouted.

But Patches had had enough of that bath. He wanted OUT. His eyes were burning so bad.

As he was trying to get out, his foot slipped causing him to fall. He grabbed onto Kevin.

There was so much water on the floor that Kevin's feet slipped causing him to lose his balance. He falls into the bathtub right on top of Patches.

All the surfaces was wet and Kevin could not get a solid grip. Patches was just trying to keep his face above water.

Kirstie jumped when she heard all the commotion coming from the bathroom. She runs to the bathroom door and knocks.

"Kevin? Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Kirstie, Oh, I might have a slight problem here." She hears Kevin say.

She slowly opens the door and peeks in. Her mouth drops when she sees all the water in the floor. Her eyes follows the water to the bathtub.

There was a fully dressed Kevin in the tub on top of Patches, who was having a bit of difficulty staying above the water. Kevin waves at her.

"OH MY GOD!" Kirstie says as she burst into laughter. She could not control it. She was laughing so hard she sit down on the toilet holding her side. "You're mashing him." Was all she manage to say through her laughing.

"I am so glad you find this so amusing. You think that when you're done having a good laugh that you might be able to help me out?" Kevin said out of breath.

"Oh, O.K., I'm sorry. I'm done." Kirstie said wiping her eyes but still giggling. "Patches, sweetie, are you O.K.?" 

Patches looked at her with red watery eye. Trying hard to keep his head above water but was able to give her a small nod.

"O.K., Sweetie, when I pull Kevin would you be able to push?" She ask and he gave her another small nod.

She gets a good grip on the sink and then grips Kevin's hand. "Push Patches!"

They were finally able to get a soaked Kevin out. And Patches was able to sit up looking like a drown rat.

"WE DID IT!!" Kirstie shouted as she gave Patches a high-five.

She looked around at a not too happy Kevin with water dripping from his clothes.

She started her laughing all over again. She looked around at Patches just in time to see him clap then put the back of his hand up to his mouth, laughing.



Hope ya'll liked this chapter. Bet Kevin will think twice next time before agreeing to help give Patches a bath.  LOL!!

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**  AMERICA!!  **

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