Chapter 67

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*** JUST MY THOUGHTS- They say diseases like Cancer and Aids do not discriminate. They can attack anyone. No matter race, religion, age, sexuality. No one is safe. Bullying also does not discriminate. You could be black or white, Baptist or Catholic, 15 or 70, straight or gay, mentally stable or mentally handi-cap. No one is safe. TAKE A STAND!!! -- *SANDRA*


Patches was back. Kirstie had a doctor's appointment. It was a chilly but beautiful day, so Kevin was gonna take Patches to the park while Kirstie was gone.

When Kirstie walked back into the house, the look on Kevin's face actually frightened her. She stooped down in front of him placing a hand on his leg.

"Kevin?" She spoke in not much more than a whisper. "Kevin, what's wrong?"

He tightened his lips and shook his head as his eyes filled with tears.

"It's a sin for some children be so evil and heartless. Please tell me they will pay in their final judgement." Kevin said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Oh my God. What happened? Where's Patches?" Kirstie asked.

"There was a bunch of kids at the park. Patches was playing in the sand box, building a little sand castle. The kids all gathered around him, I first thought they were just playing. Then I noticed he hung his head and started pouting as one of the little boys leaned over saying something to him. And all the other kids got to laughing. Patches shook his head no and started crying. When the kids seen me coming, they jumped up and threw sand at him calling him retarded cry baby and they ran off." Kevin said wiping his tears.

"Where is he now?" Kistie asked also wiping her tears.

"He went straight to his bed room and hasn't came out." Kevin said, hanging his head.

She went upstairs and gently pecked on the door as she opened it. Patches was laying in his bed. He was on his side facing the wall, with his arm hugged tightly around Mack.

"Hey Sweetie." Kirstie said softly, rubbing him on the leg. She could tell he was still crying.

He mumbled something. Tears filled Kirstie's eyes as she thought she understood what he said.

"What did you say, Baby?" She asked, quickly wiping a tear.

"Mmm die, K..Kit." He said looking at the wall. (meaning- I want to die, Kit)

"Oh no, Baby. Come here." She said pulling him up into a hug. 

He grabbed her around the neck and began to cry heavily. She rubbed him on the back as she kissed him on the side of the head. Tears rolling down her face.

"Those kids don't know just how special you really are. You know what I think?" She ask, pulling him back so she could see his face. His beautiful green eyes were not only full of tears but also sadness.

"I think you are an angel, sent from Heaven. You see, God knew I was lonely. And he knew I needed someone extra special in my life. So he sent you. God picked you out of all the other angels. Cause he knew that I needed you in my life. I don't want to ever lose you, my sweet little angel." She smiled, brushing his hair back and kissing him on the forehead.

Mack whined as he crawled up in Patches's lap.

Kirstie smiled. "Mack needs you too."

Patches giggles and wipes his eyes.

"Listen to me. Don't let those kids bother you. They'll more than likely end up in prison. Cause when all is said and done, those that try to hurt his special angel will pay, God will make sure of it. Now, does my little angel want some cookies?" 

Patches nods, biting his bottom lip.

Kirstie takes him by the hand as they go down stairs.

"Kevin, look who I got." She smiles down at him.

"How on earth did you manage that?" Kevin smiles as he sees Little Bits with a smile on his face.

"K..Keb.. Mmm...spe.. ang." Patches nods pointing to himself.

Kirstie giggles. "He's a special angel, Kevin."

"That you are, Little Bits, that you are." Kevin smiles pulling Patches into a tight hug.



(((( TIM + AVI = TIVI ))))

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