Chapter 2

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"Patches?" Kirstie ask with raised eyebrows. Kevin Nods. She turns her attention back to Patches, "What's your real name?"

Patches sits up and just stares at her. He was wearing a ragged beanie, his hair hung down to his shoulders and was very dirty. His beard was really scruffy and needed a trim badly. The garbage bag that he was covered with fell down so she could see what he was wearing.  He had on a button up blue jean shirt that was badly stained and a pair of jeans that had holes in both the knees. And he was completely barefooted.

"Good luck trying to get him to talk," Kevin said, "I've know Patches for almost three years and have never heard him say one word. I don't know whether he can't talk or just won't talk."

"Don't he have a coat or shoes? He has to be freezing." She ask looking at the silent person who was still staring at her.

"Every time I find him a jacket or some shoes, the others steals them whenever I'm not around." He looks over at his friend and sees him tugging at his hair. Kevin smiles and looks at Kirstie, "He does that when he's nervous."

"Do I make you nervous, Patches? I'm sorry. I don't mean too. I'm really a nice person." She says smiling at him.

He leans back against the wall, looking at her around Kevin.

Kevin laughs, "I think it's just because you're pretty and we don't see very many pretty girls around here. Do we Patches."

He glances up at Kevin then back at her. He bites his chapped bottom lip and hangs his head. She was certain she almost seen him smile.

"You see," Kevin starts, "I have to do community service. I got caught shop lifting a pair of shoes for him. And whenever I'm not around, he gets picked on a lot by some of the other homeless guys. I found him an old pair of shoes in a dumpster one time and they literally pulled them off his feet. I also found him a little radio with headphones that actually work and he loved it but they stole that too."

"That's horrible." Kirstie said, trying to understand how some people could be so heartless. "What do you guys eat?"

"Just what ever we can find. You'd be surprised what restaurants throws away." Kevin said.

"You mean you get food out of the dumpster?" Kirstie asked suddenly feeling sick from just the thought.

"We have to, Kirstie, or we'd starve. I know you don't understand. But when you're starving you'll eat anything." He said glancing around at Patches who was still eyeing the pretty lady.

"It's just so sad to think that here in America that there are people like you guys having to live like this." She says choking back the tears.

Kevin shrugs and smiles, "Some times life's not all that fair."

"You are an amazing person, Kevin." She says hugging his neck.

"God bless you." He says hugging her back.

She then turns to Patches, "Can I get a hug from you before I go?"

He looks up at Kevin who smiles and nods. He then looks back at her holding up his arms for a hug.

Kirstie smiles, "Oh, you're such a sweetheart." She hugs him tightly.

Yea, She'd admit, he smelled pretty bad but it didn't bother her a bit. What bothered her was him shivering from the cold in her arms.

Would it be O.K. if I stopped by tomorrow to see you guys?" She asked pulling out of the hug.

"I won't be here. I have service to do. But it would be nice if you could check on him." Kevin smiled.

"I would love too," She said smiling down at Patches. "I'll see you tomorrow, O.K.?" She lightly squeezes his cold hand.

She gets in a taxi and waves at them. Leaving them like that broke her heart. Kevin smiles and waves back.

Patches never takes his eyes off of her as he pulls his garbage bag back up around his shoulders.


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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