Chapter 33

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Not really in the mood for writing today, but I know a lot of you are wondering "Is she or Isn't she". So I just threw this chapter together to answer that question for you.


Kirstie kisses Patch softly and rubs his cheek. She looks pass him to Kevin.

"Did you tell him?" She ask and Kevin nods.

She lets out a sigh then looks back up at Patch. "How do you feel about it?" She ask softly.

He swallows hard and holds up a very shaky hand.

"Me too." She smiles taking hold of his hand. "Well it's time." She says looking at the clock. She heads back to the bathroom.

Kevin stands up and walks up beside Patch putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Are you O.K.?" He ask quietly. Patch looks at him and shrugs.

Kirstie walks out of the bathroom with the test in her hand. Patch and Kevin stares at her, both men holding their breath. She walks up in front of Patch.

"Baby, it's... it's positive. I'm pregnant." She said barely over a whisper.

Patch, letting go of the breath he was holding, closed his eyes and hung his head.

"Honey, I'm so sorry." She said with tears in her eyes.

He shakes his head, pulling her into his arms. He gives Kevin a worried look over her shoulder.

"Hey, Come on ya'll. A baby is a gift from God. It's nothing to be sad about." Kevin said rubbing them both on the back.

"You know, Kevin. You're right. I'm gonna have a baby! Correction." She reaches up tugging lightly on Patch's beard. "WE are gonna have a baby!"

He gives her a nervous smile and nods.

She giggles wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.

He reaches down and lays a hand on her stomach. "B...Bay." He says in a low voice and smiles.

"This calls for a celebration." Kevin says smiling "I'm fixing a huge dinner tonight. And don't worry, I won't burn it this time. He laughs, heading to the kitchen.

Kirstie and Patch walks into the living room bout the time the door bell rings. Patch jumps but doesn't scream like Patches does.

She opens the door to Mitch and Scott. "Hey guys." She said giving a nervous smile.

"Hey girl." Scott said. "We just stopped by to see how you're feeling."

Mitch was eyeing the good looking man standing behind her.

"You going to introduce us to your very handsome friend?" Mitch said walking into the house before even asked.

"Why don't y'all come in." Kirstie said rolling her eyes closing the door behind Scott.

"Y'all have a seat. There's a lot I need to talk to you two about since you're here." She said.

Scott and Mitch sits down on the couch. She turns to Patch who was nervously watching the two men. "Can you go get Kevin?" She whispered to him. He nods and heads to the kitchen.

A few seconds later Kevin comes into the living room followed by Patch. Kevin nods and smiles at the two men on the couch then sits down in the recliner.

Kirstie sits down on the love seat and pats the seat beside her. Patch sits down beside her.

"O.K., looks like I've got some introductions to do." Kirstie says.


Not one of my best chapters. Sorry. But now you know. KIRSTIE IS PREGNANT!! Patch is gonna be a daddy!! How will Patches react? Will Scott and Mitch accept Kevin and Patch? Will Kevin burn supper?

**  AMERICA!!  **

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