Chapter 50

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**  PurpleTurtle 31, this one is for you. :)  Hope you are feeling better.


Kirstie got Mitch to carry her and Patch to the music store. The man at the store, whose name was Blake (hint: Shelton), checked the guitar out and it was still in perfect shape. He even took the time to show Patch how to put new strings on the guitar and even to tune it. Blake also showed him the basic chords.

It just blew Kirstie's mind how quick Patch was catching on to everything. He definitely had an ear for music.

"Be sure you show Kevin everything that you've learned today." Kirstie said as they were headed home.

Patch nodded as he sat in the back seat and practiced the chords that Blake had shown him.

Once they got home, Kirstie found Kevin and Scott sitting at the table eating them a sandwich.

"Hey guys? Patch has something to show you." She said pulling out a chair.

Patch sits down in the chair with his guitar.

"Man! That don't even look like the same guitar." Scott said.

"It's beautiful." Kevin added.

"But just wait till you hear it." Kirstie smiled.

Patch began to strum the guitar using the chords that Blake had shown him. Kevin and Scott sat and listen in complete shock as Kirstie and Mitch stood smiling proudly behind him. As he finished, he smiled looking up from the guitar.

"I'm literally speechless." Scott said.

"Oh my Lord. Patch, that was amazing." Kevin said with a wide grin.

Patch smiles looking around at Kirstie. She walks up behind him in the chair, wrapping her arms lovingly around his neck. 

"Ya'll wouldn't believe how quick he caught on. Blake said he would give him lessons. So I need to get me a car." She giggles hugging him.

"He even learned how to put on new strings and to tune it. He definitely has an ear for music." Mitch said.

"I am so proud of you, Bro." Kevin said giving him a fist bump.


After Scott and Mitch left, Kevin went to his new room to fix it up. It was large enough for two beds. He had his bed and they had gotten Patches a single sized bed. Each had their side of the room. The bedding for Patches's bed had dragons on them. Kirstie found them and just had to buy them for Little Bits. He laid 'Dag' on the bed and sighed. He loved Patch with all his heart but he really missed Little Bits when he wasn't around.

Kirstie and Patch took a walk in the woods behind her house. Patch loved it. All he had ever known was the tall buildings of the city. He loved the adventure of the woods. Everything he saw fascinated him.

Later, the three of them ended up in the room that they planned on making a nursery. They sat on the floor, discussing about how to fix it up.

"What color do you want to paint it?" Kevin ask, looking around at the walls.

"" Patch was mumbling softly then shook his head, aggravated at himself because he couldn't say the word.

"Honey, are you trying to say pink?" Kirstie asked and he nods.

"F...foul." He said quietly.

"Pink wall with flowers?" She repeated for him. He smiles and nods.

"B..b..b" He sighs and shakes his head.

He puts his hands together like wings.

"Bird?" Kirstie ask and he shakes his head no.

"Butterfly?" Kevin ask and Patch nods and points at Kevin.

"Alright, so you want it pink with flowers and butterflies?" Kirstie ask with a smile.

Patch thought for a minute then shook his head. "Naaaa" 

"O.K., no pink." She giggles.

He sighs and holds up a finger telling them to wait. He gets up and goes to Kevin/Patches's room and starts looking through some of Patches's books.

He gasped as he found exactly what he wanted for his daughter's room.

He comes back to the room handing Kirstie the book and pointed to the picture and then to the walls.

"" He said then pointed to the picture.

"Oh my God! Sweetheart, that would look amazing. Pink walls with baby zoo animals." She smiled as he grinned and nodded.


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**  SLAAAYYYY!!!  **

**  "I got to spend some time in Homer. If you ever get the chance, Pass." Story Time With Tim  **

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