Chapter 16

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Yesterday I had ask what story you guys wanted updated if I got time. Only 2 people responded: Aviouslykaty and MorningMist13. They both wanted Patches. So this update are for you two ladies. 



Kirstie wakes up and looks at her clock. Why was she awake at 2:00 in the morning? She gets up and goes to the kitchen to get her a drink of water. Heading back to her bedroom, she decides to peak in at the guys.

She opens the door slowly, peaking in. She giggled when she saw Kevin laying star fish in the bed, enjoying every second of a good nights sleep. She starts to close the door when she realized that she didn't see Patches.

She looked back in and saw that he was not in the bed. She quietly tip toed into the room. She then saw him laying in a fetal position on the floor beside the bed, asleep.

She lightly touch him on the arm and noticed he was cold. She went to the closet and got a blanket. Surely Kevin did not root him out of the bed. She gently covered him with the blanket, trying not to wake him, but it didn't work. He jumped and looked up at her startled.

"I'm so sorry, Sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you. You were cold so I got you a blanket." She whispered. He nods and pulls the blanket around his shoulders.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor? Did Kevin kick you out of bed?" She ask, ready to kick Kevin's butt if he had.

Patches raised up and shook his head no. He reaches up to the bed and pushes down on the mattress.

"Is it too soft?" She ask.

He nods and lays back down on the floor covering up with the blanket. She smiles and shakes her head.

"Where ever you're the most comfortable." She brushes his wild hair back, kissing him on the cheek.

He wraps an arm around her neck giving her a hug. 

"Good night. Get some sleep." She stands up and he gives her a thumbs-up.


She wakes up to the smell of bacon cooking. She gets up following the delicious smell. She walks into the kitchen to find Kevin cooking breakfast.

"What is this?" She ask walking up beside him.

"Just a small gesture of thanks for all you've done for me and Patches." Kevin said.

"No, what you're doing is getting yourself into trouble." Kirstie said with a smirk crossing her arms.

"How's that?" Kevin chuckles.

"Now that I know you can cook, I don't have to cook all the time." She says with a smile.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Kevin ask while cracking eggs to scramble.

"What's that? Does Patches like orange juice?" She ask, looking in the fridge.

"He's never had it but I'm sure he'll like it. You're forgetting that when you go back to work, Patches and I will go back to the streets." Kevin said, taking some biscuits out of the oven.

"About that." Kirstie says as she sets the table. "How would you and Patches like to move in?"

Patches came running from where he had been hiding in the hallway, listening. He grabbed Kirstie into a tight hug.

"OH MY GOSH!" Kirstie yells trying to catch her balance. Kevin burst into laughter.

"Now wait a minute, Patch. I don't think that would be such a good idea." Kevin said shaking his head.

Patches turns a loose for Kirstie. He stomps his foot and pouts giving a slight whine.

"Oh come on Kevin. How can you say no to that face." She says, rubbing Patches on the back.

"Easily. He's playing us." Kevin says putting breakfast on the table.

Patches grabs Kevin by the arm shaking him, causing him to laugh. Patches grabs him into a tight hug. Kirstie runs over joining into the hug, sandwiching Patches.


"O.K.! O.K.! But you'll probably be sorry." Kevin laughs.

Kirstie gives Patches a high-five. He gabs her and gives her a very sloppy kiss.

"Told ya." Kevin laughs.


**  AMERICA!!  **

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