Chapter 58

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** Above is a picture of Carrie Underwood. Her character in this story is a teacher of sign language. **

** I'm jumping ahead a few months in this story to get the ball rolling on things. **

** Be sure to check out my new book "CRAZY LIFE"!!!!!!! **


A few months had passed. Kirstie had enrolled herself, Kevin and Patch in sign language classes. Patch was catching on so fast. He could almost carry on a conversation with her and Kevin now. You could see the confidence building in him.

Kirstie had felt a little sting of jealousy when she first met Patch's teacher. Her name was Carrie Underwood and she was absolutely beautiful. But she quickly learned that Carrie was happily married and adored her husband.

Kirstie and Carrie quickly became friends. They had told her the whole story of Patch/Patches. She had also met Patches on a few occasions and fell in love with him. As everyone always does.

Little Mack wasn't so little anymore. He had grown into a very big puppy. He never left Patches's side and was becoming very protective of him. Whenever Patch was here and Patches wasn't, Mack would lay on Little Bit's bed and whine. Even though they shared the same body, Mack somehow knew the difference.

Patches only got mad at Mack one time. Puppies will be puppies. They love to chew on things. Patches found Mack under his bed using a certain stuffed alligator as a chew toy. Stuffing was everywhere.

A heartbroken Patches sat for hours crying, hugging his ripped up alligator. It broke Mitch's heart when Kirstie told him what had happened. So he shows up on their doorstep with an even bigger alligator.

A very happy Little Bits quickly forgave Mack and they were buddies again. But whenever Patches wasn't around, Kirstie or Kevin would put 'Dag' and 'Al' up on a shelf. Safe from a certain puppy.

Kirstie was beginning to get a good size belly. Both her and the baby were doing great. The nursery was finished and her and Patch had done some shopping for baby clothes. Everything was ready. The only thing they were waiting on was Emily.

Kirstie would never forget the different reactions of Patch and Patches when they felt the baby move. Patch's face lit up like a Christmas tree. A proud smile on his face. Excitement with a few happy tears.

Little Bits, on the other hand, didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It scared him at first. He just really didn't understand why Kit's belly was moving like that. After the shock wore off, he would laugh hysterically when the baby moved. He would lay his hand on her stomach and wait. When the baby kicked, he would jump as if it scared him then would laugh until tears rolled down his cheeks. Kirstie and Kevin would be wiping their tears from laughing so hard at him.

Kirstie had never been happier. She had a gorgeous boyfriend, three of the best friends anyone could ever have, the sweetest little buddy/baby boy and a beautiful baby girl on the way. Life couldn't get any better.




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