Chapter 20

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Patches's thoughts - { }



"So what do you want for breakfast?" Kirstie ask as her and Patches walks into the kitchen.

Patches gives a big shrug of his shoulders. {I don't know pretty Kirstie. Oh I know} His face lights up and he runs over to the cabinet and opens it. He smiles when he sees it. He pulls out a box of Lucky Charms and hands it to Kirstie.

"So you want some Lucky Charms?" She ask getting him a bowl.

He nods. {I like the colored things}

When she pours the cereal into the bowl, he reaches in and picks out a marshmallow and sticks it into his mouth.

"So I take it that you like the marshmallows?" She said rubbing him on the head. She poured the milk into the bowl and sit back to watch him eat.

He had no trouble eating with a spoon. She got tickled at him shoveling the cereal into his mouth, barely taking the time to chew.

"Slow down." She said giggling. He looked up at her with milk dripping from his beard.

"You are a mess. You're definitely gonna have to take a bath after you finish." She said shaking her head.

He shakes his head no.

She nods, "Yes."

He shakes his head no again but harder.

"Yes", she nods leaning toward him.

He drops his spoon and grabs her cheeks giving her a extremely sloppy milk covered kiss. {I love you pretty Kirstie. Don't make me take a bath.}

She slowly reaches up and wipes the milk from her lips.

"Thank you for the kiss, sweetie. But you still have to take a bath before we go shopping."

He pouts and shakes his head. {I don't like baths}

"I'm sorry, baby." She said brushing his hair out of his face.

"What are you being sorry for?" Kevin ask walking into the kitchen.

"Mr. Patches is in need of another bath. And he doesn't want one." She answers.

"Well count me out. I don't feel like a wrestling match today." He chuckles making him a cup of coffee.

Patches pats Kirstie on the arm. {Pretty Kirstie?} He whines and points at Kevin shaking his head. {No Kevin}

"You don't want Kevin to help you?" Kirstie smiles.

Again he shakes his head and points to his eyes. {He hurt my eyes}

"Patch, that wasn't my fault. Shampoo got in your eyes." Kevin said sipping his coffee.

"Well, would you feel better if I gave you a bath?" Kirstie ask.

He nods but then points back to his eyes shaking his head. {Don't hurt my eyes}

She pats his hand. "But we need to kind of cover him up, if you know what I mean." She said raising her eyebrows.

"Just let him put on a pair of boxers." Kevin suggested.

"Yea, that might work. And sweetie, I'll try not to hurt your eyes like mean ole Kevin did." Kirstie said.

Patches nodded then gives Kevin a stern point and an angry look. {Mean Kevin}

Kevin laughs holding up his hands, "Come on Ya'll, don't go teaming up on me."


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**  AMERICA!!  **

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