Chapter 52

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Patches comes running into the kitchen overly excited, clapping his hands.

"Mmm Pay! Mmm Pay! Mmm Pay!!" He nodded.

"Whoah, Honey. Calm down." Kirstie laughs as she and Kevin fixed breakfast.

He grabs her by the cheeks and whispers loudly with wide eyes. "Mmm Pay!"

"Go play, then." She laughs and turns back toward the stove while Patches runs back to the living room.

"Uh, Kirstie? The guitar?" Kevin said, looking quickly at her.

"Oh my gosh!" She says as she runs toward the living room with Kevin following. Just in time to see Patches reaching for the guitar with a smile on his face.

"PATCHES!! NO!!" Kirstie yells.

"AAHHHHH!" Patches screams jumping around. His eyes quickly fills with tears.

"Oh, Baby. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. But you can't play with that." Kirstie said picking up the guitar and handing it to Kevin. She whispers telling him to put it in her closet.

"NAAAA! Mmmm PAY!!" HE cries reaching for the guitar.

"No Honey. It's not yours to play with. It's not a toy." She says as he drops down on the floor, bowing his head and cries.

"Hey, I tell you what." She said stooping down in front of him. "After we eat, do you want to help me put up the Christmas tree?"

He shrugs his shoulders.

"Do you know what a Christmas tree is?" She ask, taking him by the chin and raises his head.

He looks at her with tears still in his eyes. He pouts and shakes his head 'no'.

"He doesn't know what Christmas is, Kirstie." Kevin said from the doorway.

Her heart broke as she looked into his sad green eyes. She turns on the television and flipped through the channels until she found a Christmas tree.

"Right there, Baby. That's a Christmas tree." She smiled as she watched his jaw dropped.

"Tee?" He ask pointing at the t.v. screen.

"Christmas tree." She repeated. He watched her as she said it.

"M..Mas tee." He said with a nod, scratching his beard.

"Close enough." She giggled. "Let's go eat then we'll put up the tree."

He nods getting up from the floor and follows her into the kitchen. Kevin was already setting the food on the table.

"What do you want for Christmas, Kevin?" She ask as she put some food on Patches's plate.

"Oh, you don't have to get me anything. You've done so much for Patches and me already. You got us off the street, put a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs. I couldn't ask for more." Kevin said.

Kirstie lays down her fork then reaches across the table, grabbing Kevin by his shirt.

"You listen to me, Mr. Olusola. This is the first Christmas in years that I haven't had to be alone. I've got you two to celebrate it with. And I will NOT let you and your humbleness ruin it for me, UNDERSTAND!"

Kevin stares at her in shock. Patches was holding a piece of bacon near his opened mouth but was staring at her.

"Now! I will repeat my question. What do you want for Christmas?" She growls through gritted teeth.

"I like to read." Kevin said quietly, he was pretty sure it was her hormones.

"Now we are getting somewhere. Who's your favorite author?" She ask, still holding on to his shirt.

"Uh, actually, it's Stephen King." He answered softly.

"Do you have any of his books?" She asked sternly.

"No. No, I don't." Kevin shakes his head, not taking his eyes off Kirstie.

Kirstie calmly sat back down at the table and picks up her fork. "See. That wasn't so hard was it." She smiled then turned her attention to Patches, who was still holding his bacon staring at her. "What do you want for Christmas, Sweetie?"

He had no idea what this Christmas thing even was, or what she was even talking about. He just knew he didn't want her yelling at him like she just yelled at Keb. So he did the only thing he knew to do. Cry.



**  NAILED IT!!  **

** HOME FRIES!!!  **

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